Step 1 — In the Admin Panel, choose Components >> jMarket >> Catalog >> New Product
You will be redirected to new product editor page, displayed below:
Step 2 — Fill in all the required fields, which are indicated by a red asterisk (*). Most of the options obtain a tooltip that will help you explain its usage.
For layout tab, each product can be setup to behave different from each other. By default a product is set to "Type Preference" so that each product type can be setup differently.
If you want all products to follow the settings of the "General Configuration", you can set the settings from the "Type Preference" in the Layout Tab of the Types page.
Step 3 — Click [ Save ] to save your changes.
Step 1 — In the product editor page, you have a pick-list to select which category you want to assign the product.
Step 2 — Select the category you want that product to appear in.
Step 3 — If you want your product to appear in multiple categories, leave the pick-list or select atleast one category.
Step 4 — Click [ Save ] to save your changes and you will be redirected to Category Listing page where you can select multiple categories.
Meta information helps search engines find your product. The Meta Information fields appear below:
The Meta Information tab is for specifying metadata for a product. Metadata is descriptive information about a page that search engines can use to index your store’s product pages. This content is not visible directly on your website.
Meta Title: Specify a title for your product’s page. By default the name of the item is used.
Meta Description: Write a few sentences describing the content on the page. Though it is not visible on your page itself, some search engines will list this page’s search result using the meta description text.
Meta Keywords: Specify keywords that are relevant to the product. It is helpful to consider keywords that potential customers may search if they were searching for your products with a search engine.
Step 1 — Click the Related Products in the Product Listing panel in the Catalog.
Step 2 — In the product column, click Related: [ 0 ] in the Assign column adjacent to your product.
Step 3 — Once clicked, a pop-up will show all available products in your store. You can sort by categories to see the products you want to relate.
Step 4 — From the resulting list, select the X button in the related column for any products you want to add to the related products list for this product.
Step 5 — Click [ Save ] to save your changes.