Types enables you to organize your products into different class so that your customers can easily find them and/or for TAX purposes. Different countries has different TAX rates applied to different type of products like baby items, cars, consumable goods, oil, etc.
By default item type is installed, an item type is only used if you want to display items or article with no prices same like K2 items.
Organizing your products with a correct types will make your life easier if your store start to have a thousand of products available and for TAX purposes. In addition it will makes it easy to find a product base on the Type if you want to update only specific product.
To understand this idea better, let’s follow with an example.
United Kingdom VAT Rates
Standard Rate >> 20% (Most goods and services)
Reduced Rate >> 5% (Some goods and services, eg children’s car seats and home energy)
Zero Rate >> 0% (Zero-rated goods and services, eg most food and children’s clothes)
If you have items that falls to any of the above rates, creating types will enable you to assign the item to specific product types so you can assign different tax rates depending in which category they fall.
You may want to create a type for standard rate, reduced rate, zero rate products so when you create your items you can select where VAT category the product belongs.
Below sample show the new product types, if you don't want to use the default Product Types, you can disable it.
Below image show the new product types at the product creation page.
Step 1 — In the Admin panel, choose Components -> jMarket -> Catalog -> Types
Step 2 — Fill in all the required fields, which are indicated by a red asterisk (*). Most of the options obtain a tooltip that will help you explain its usage.
For designation, make sure to select the correct Type, Product, Auction, Download, Subscription.
The name and description will be shown to the shoppers. Access defines who can view the item type.
All the preferences are specific to the type. They will be used when the item preferences are set to use the type preferences.
Step 3 — Click [ Save ] to save your changes.
Each Type can be of different layouts so that each product assigned to that type can behave differently from each other. And also each types you can have each own catalog homepage.
To understand this idea better, let’s follow with an example.
Product A is assigned to Standard Rate type and Product B is assigned to Reduced rate.
For instance you can setup like this;
Standard Rate type products to show in horizontal with 3 columns.
Reduced Rate shows vertical with 2 columns in a table display.
And lastly you can create a Joomla menu to have each type a catalog homepage.