Payment Gateway Setup


An online store will not be possible without the payment system. This will enable the store owner and/or site vendor to receive the payment from the customers. These need to be setup before a customer can submit an order.

If your store caters more than two countries, there is a greater possibility to add more payment gateways. Not only according to customers' preference, some payment gateways may not work or not available in certain countries which would be the reasons why we need to more than payment gateways.

Joobi applications support a wide variety of payment gateway you can offer for your customers' convenience.

Available Payment Gateways

  • CCAvenue is the largest and most popular online payment gateway solution serving India and South Asia.
  • PayPal Standard and Paypal Pro (UK, Canada and USA) easily accept credit cards and PayPal payments.
  • PayPal Split or Adaptive Payments handles payments between a sender of a payment and one or more receivers of the payment. Click here to learn how to obtain your Application ID.
  • Authorize.Net payment solutions include free fraud tools, free customer support, a free website seal, and the ability to accept multi-channel payments.
  • MoneyBookers allows for sending and receiving payments to/from 200 countries and territories in 41 currencies, supporting major credit/debit cards and around 100 local payment options.
  • 2Checkout provides global credit card processing in dozens of currencies and languages.
  • iDEAL allows you to make online purchases in a familiar, secure and simple way. iDEAL is the system that links you directly to your online banking application when you buy online.
  • Alipay is an accepted online payment method for many online retail websites and service providers in China.
  • Alpha UserPoints is a referral user points system component in Joomla. You can pay using Points if you are using Alpha UserPoints.
  • is a swedish payment gateway like PayPal.
  • Offline Payments allow to get the payment in cash, for instance at delivery.
  • Credit Card enable to get securely the credit card information of the customer in order to process them offline or with a terminal. This option requires that you enable SSL on your website.
  • PayFast is a payments processing service for South Africa.


Payment Gateway Setup

Step 1 — Open a Merchant Account

To offer this payment method to your customers, you must first open an account with any of the above mention gateways

For Paypal, you just need to enter your Paypal email and you are set. If you are using recurrirng payment and Split payment, check Paypal Setup with API for more detailed information.

Step 2 — Configure Payment Gateway

1. In the Admin panel, select Components >> jMarket >> Payments
2. Click New to create a Payment gateway
3. Fill in your merchant account information
4. Click [ Save ] to save your changes. and 2CheckOut will only accept US dollars (USD). If you are using either of the two, be sure to select the USD currency and as much as possible only this currency will be set as 'Accepted.' This will give the customer the chance to choose what currency (specifically USD) to use after checking out.


Step 3 — In the Payments page, select Payments >> Gateways

From this page you can disable payment gateways and set access to individual gateway if you don't want it to be visible to vendors in the frontend.




Obtain Paypal API for Recurring and Adaptive Payment


API Settings is just currently used for PayPal Recurring Payments and PayPal Chained Payment. Any other gateway should not have to fill these fields.

For Paypal Recurring, you must fill in all fields except Application ID.

For Adaptive Payment, you must fill in all fields under API Settings.



Step 1 — Login to your paypal account, My Account menu >> Profile

Step 2 — In the My Profile page, select My Selling Tools then locate for API access and then click Update.


Step 3 — In the API access page, select Option 2 then click View API Signature and copy any information that is required in the jMarket API Settings field.

Option 2 - Request API credentials to create your own API username and password.

This option applies to:

1. Custom websites and online stores
2. Pre-integrated shopping carts running on your own server




Understanding Paypal Adaptive Payment


jMarket takes full advantage of PayPal Adaptive allowing you to automatically collect payments from customers and distribute them to multiple individual.

adaptive payment


Paypal Adaptive Payment Options

1. Simple payments is a simple one-to-one payment. A single payment from a sender being delivered to a single receiver.
2. Chained Payments send a payment to one individual, who in turn shares the payment with multiple individuals or affiliates in one payment.


Chained payment mean there is a primary receiver who receive the entire sum of money and then a payment is made automatically to the other "secondary" receivers.

The buyers see only one payment at checkout and do not know that the payment is "split" into other receivers, like vendors or affiliates.

Whoever is the primary receiver is liable for the payment of the buyers.


3. Parallel payment enable to make payment to multiple receivers ( Store Manager, Vendor, Affilliates, etc…). There is no primary receiver so each receiver get is share and his liable for that payment.

Each receiver is responsible for its own payment.

The buyer knows that the payment has been split and know each receiver.  In the buyer Paypal account each receiver among will appear as a different payment.




Setup Payment Configuration

After completing all the above mention setup, you need to properly configure your cart preferences.

Below steps is only applicable to jMarket Pro users.

Step 1 — In the Admin panel, choose Components >> jMarket >> Orders >> Cart Preferences >> Cart Tab



Step 2 — Select Direct Payment to Vendor >> Yes / No

Yes >> means the Vendor will receive the entire payment.

No >> means the admin will receive the payment.



Step 3 — Configure Payment Type and Primary Receiver

Payment Type:
This preference is only used for Paypal at this stage.

If you are not using Paypal, select Standard.

Chained and Parallel payment can only be used for the moment with Paypal Adaptive Payment

Primary Receiver:

This preference enables to define if the primary receiver is the Store manager or the vendor.  It enables to put back the liability back to the Vendor if the vendor is the one receiver most of the among.
However if the Primary Receiver is the Vendor then you can only checkout one vendor at a time. If the Primary Receiver is the Store Manager them multiple vendor check out is possible.


For users taking some commissions;

Select Payment Type >> Chained
Primary Receiver >> Store Manager or Vendor

If you select Store Manager, this allow to checkout several products from different vendors.
If you select Vendor, in that case only one vendor at a time is allowed to checkout.

For users who does not take any commissions;

Select Payment Type >> Standard
Primary Receiver >> Store Manager


Step 4 — Click [ Save ] to save your changes.

  • Sunday, 13 January 2013