Store manager has the full control of the entire storefront functionality and what vendors can do and access.

From the admin panel, navigate to jMarket >> Vendors >> Preferences

General Tab


  • Allow Vendor's review: Set yes to allow review functionality in the vendor's profile
  • Only Customers Reviews: Only users who bought a product in the store can put a review
  • Send All Verification To: Choose to whom Store Manager the notification should be sent. Alternatively you can enter an email in the preference below. If no email is defined and no Store Manager chosen it will send to the default Store Manager.
  • Ask Question Through: How would you like customers to contact the vendor.
  • Vendors Invoice: Allow vendor's to create an invoice
  • Ask Vendor Tax ID: Request vendor tax id which can be displayed in the vendor's profile
  • Web Services: Allow vendors to update their products through the web services interface. (This is still experimental)
  • Show Vendor Image: Show vendor image in the category and product listing/selection in the front-end
  • Use Watermark: Yes to apply a watermark to the vendor image.
  • Max Width & Height: Specify image dimensions for vendors
  • File Format: Specify all the image formats allowed separated by a comma. Leave empty if you want to allow any format.
  • Images Location: Define the location where the image files for vendors get stored.
  • Direct Payment to Vendor: Click Yes to redirect the payment to the vendor instead of the Store owner. If a commission schema is implemented the vendor will be responsible to pay the commission to the Store owner. (Refer to article Payment setup for vendors)
  • Use Vendor Tax: No to use the tax defined by the Store Manager. Yes to use the tax defined by each Vendor. With this preferences product purchased from different vendor might have different tax rate.
  • Direct Shipping to Vendor: Click Yes to allow the vendors to handle their own shipping fees. The vendors will be notified of new orders and will be responsible to handle the shipping of the items. (Refer to article Shipping setup for vendors)

Note: Turn this option for the shoppers to purchase from only one vendor at a time. If she desire to shop from several vendors it will need to do several orders.

Vendor Registration
  • Automatic Vendor Registration: Make anyone who register to the website a vendor automatically. If set to No, after user registration, the user need to register again through a Vendor registration to become a store vendor. (Refer to article Vendor registration setup under Vendors section)
  • Required Registered User: Yes if users need to be registered to the site before they can apply as a vendor.
  • Default Program: Chose a default commission program for the vendor. This is required if you use Automatic Vendor Registration. Ignore this option if commission base is not being used.
  • Default Store Name: Specify a default Store name which will be automatically added after a vendor is created. User tags to use user name or username ( eg: {tag:name}, {tag:username} ).
  • No Vendor Approval: If Yes, users who apply for vendor don't need to be approved by the store manager.
  • Registration Terms & Conditions: Choose the Terms & Conditions to use for vendor registration. Select "None" to not use terms and conditions.
  • Vendor registration landing page: Specify a link to which you want to redirect after registration. Leave blank to simply redirect to the Vendor Area.
  • Show Vendor Description: You can find the option in the top portion of the registration form
  • Registration Welcome Message: Found in the top portion of the vendor registration form. You can specify instruction to the vendor.
  • Show Banner: Show the vendors' banner on the vendors’ home page.
  • Use Watermark: Yes to apply a watermark to the vendor image.
  • Max Width & Height: Specify image dimensions for vendors
  • File Format: Specify all the image formats allowed separated by a comma. Leave empty if you want to allow any format.
  • Images Location: Define the location where the image files for vendors get stored.

Item & Category


Vendor Area
  • Allow edit Item in Catalog: Yes to allow vendor to edit their item directly into the catalog with the new and edit buttons.
  • Edit Item in: Define where the item should be edited, when you allow edit of item in Catalog.

Site: The vendor area will appear within your website template
Vendor Area: The vendor area will show without your website template and use the default Vendor Area theme

  • Items listing type

Simplified: show a simple list of the item with basic functionality. This is advisable if you have limited space in your website e.g if you have side bars.
Complete: Show a complete listing with all necessary options to edit an item.

  • Disable Vendor Area: Yes to disable the vendor area. The vendor will only be able to edit items from the front-end site. It is recommended to leave this preference to No.
  • Show Horizontal Menu: Show vendor Horizontal menu
  • Disable item creation: It is highly recommended that you do no turn this options to Yes. However if you do not want the vendors to be able to create and publish items or any type use this preference to turn the catalog off for the vendor.
  • Allow change theme: Allow vendor to change theme for their vendor homepage
  • Allow vendor's terms: Allow vendor to create terms
  • Allow vendor's coupons: Allow vendor to create coupons for their products
  • Allow Files Management: Allow vendor's to manage their files
  • Allow Import/Export: Allow vendor's to export / import products. Note that you can perform the export/import by going via Vendor area >> catalog >> Listing >>[product type]
  • Allow product attributes: Allow vendor's to create their own product attributes
  • Allow product's discount: Allow vendor's to create discounts for their products
  • Allow item bundle: Allow vendor's to bundle their items
Item Edit Layout
  • Item's Photo: Allow vendor's to access the Photo tab when creating an item
  • Item's Delivery: Allow vendor's to access the Delivery tab when creating an item. Take note that if the product requires shipment, this function is required.
  • Item's Attributes: Allow vendor's to access Attributes when creating an item
  • Item's Location: Allow vendor's to access the Location when creating an item
  • Item's Publishing: Allow vendor's to access the Publishing (SEO, Start date, etc..) when creating an item
  • Item's Layout: Allow vendor's to access the Layout feature when creating an item. This means the vendor can set different layouts for their items.
  • Preview URL only: URL only will force the vendor to specify an URL and disallow the upload of files to the server.
  • Download URL only: URL only will force the vendor to specify an URL and disallow the upload of files to the server.
Items Approval
  • Automatically Approve Item: If Yes, new item created by vendors doesn't need to be approved/moderated by the store manager.
Vendor's Categories
  • Allow vedor categories: Let vendors manage their own categories and sub-categories.
  • Assign to Category: Define to which categories a vendor can assign their items.
  • Automatically Approve Category: If Yes, any category created by vendors doesn't need to be approved by the store manager before shown in the list of categories.
  • Max Assigned Categories: Limit the number of categories the vendor can assign an item to. eg: 2 means an item can be assigned to maximum 2 different categories. Note: -1 or 0 for unlimited.
  • Allow category preferences: Let vendors customize the look and feel of their categories.


Allow Terms & Condition:
  • No: Disable policies for vendors.
  • Yes: Policies available on all items.
  • Vendor: Let vendors decide if they want to use policies or not.
  • Type: Policies is defined based on item type.
  • Item: Policies are defined in each item.
Syndication & Resellers

Allow Syndication: Let other vendor syndicate an item. It means they can list someone else item to their own catalog.

  • No: No syndication
  • Yes: syndication possible on all items
  • Vendor: each vendor decide if they allow syndication of their items.
  • Type: The syndication is decided by the item type preference
  • Item: syndication preference needs to be define in each item.

Note: There is no payment or commission involved in syndication. To allow vendor to get commission for sales use the resellers feature.

Allow Resellers: Let other vendor resell a product. It means they can list someone else product to their own store.

  • No: No resellers.
  • Yes: Reselling possible on all products.
  • Vendor: Each vendor decide if they allow reselling of their products.
  • Type: The reselling is decided by the product type preference.
  • Item: Resellers preference needs to be define in each product.


The Reseller feature is not fully implemented. This feature has been paid by a user a year ago but the project has been canceled so the development for this functionality was not finished. Due to the lack of demand from users we are not able to continue the development.
We are looking for interested users to complete this feature through a customization job. If you are interested please contact our support.

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