The USPS is the independent postal service of United States government, offering domestic and international shipping services by land and air. This article provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the USPS shipping method.


  1. Your products must have weight (grams, pounds or kilo) Please refer to article "Shipping" for detailed setup.Test Account Number
  2. API Username and API Password provided by USPS

Step 1 Open a USPS Shipping Account

Open a USPS Web Tools account. After you complete the registration process, you will receive your User ID and a URL to the USPS test server. You can skip the testing phase, and contact their Internet Customer Care Center to request immediate activation to the production server. The Customer Care Center will validate your store, and send you the URL to the production server.

Learn more about USPS Web Tools, see their Ecommerce API Technical Guides.

They will provide your API Username and API Password.

Step 2 Configure UPS Shipping

  1. In the Admin panel, select Components -> jMarket -> Shipping
  2. Click New to create a Shipping
  3. Fill in the information that is given from USPS Internet Customer Care Center, they will provide you with API Username and API Password.
  4. Click [ Save ] to save your changes.


Store admin will need to provide your shipping address via the following;

For multi-vendor: [any Joobi eCommerce >> Vendors, edit the store manager account]

For single store: [jStore >> Customers >> Vendor Profile

Shipping address is where the product is located.


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