There are 4 different Joobi distribution server.

None: Selecting this option will disable updates and installs
Production: Recommended
Beta: To get the latest beta releases
Dev: Not recommended, only use if advised by our developers

You can access the distribution server by going to jApps >> Preferences >> Advance Tab >> Updates Section

Each server has different versions of packages available. Dev has the most recent (latest) versions. But the packages in Dev are not well tested and may have bugs.

On the other hand, production contains the most current, stable, released version of package that is being used. This package is well tested and is less likely to have any bugs. The age of the packages in production depends on when the last release was developed. It can be said with confidence that the packages do not have any known severe bugs, security holes etc., in them.

The packages in beta fall between these two extremes.

Below are list of available servers. By default they are setup according to correct working servers. Please do not change anything unless you are advised to do so by developers.

Distribution Server: The server which is contacted to install or update production releases.

Beta distribution server: The server which is contacted to install or update beta releases.

Dev distribution server: The server which is contacted to install or update development releases.

It is recommended that you follow below golden rule when moving to beta server:
  1. Do not update to beta server using your production site, because you cannot downgrade to previous versions. If you catched a tricky bugs then you have no option but to delete that site and start a new one
  2. Always use a Test site when accessing the Beta server.

How to move from Production to Beta Server?

  • From the admin panel, navigate to jApps >> Preferences
  • Go to Advance Tab, in the section Updates
  • Select Distribution Server >> Beta
  • Click save once you are done


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