Before you can release your store to your visitors, you need to decide your store default trading currency and how it should behave in the storefront.

Payment Configuration

From the admin panel, navigate to [any Joobi product / eCommerce] >> Payments >> Preferences

Default Currency: Set the currency that will be used in the store.
Currency Display: Select the style of the currency when displaying price.
Multi-currency product edit: Allow vendors to change the currency they price their products. (For jMarket users only)
Multi-currency catalog: Define if buyers can change the currency their view the catalog.
Use payment currency: By default the store will use the defined accepted currencies ( defined in the currencies listing). If you click Yes though, the store will use the currencies defined into each payment system.

This option gives you great flexibility on the choice of currency and also enables you to use for instance different Paypal account for different currency.
Checkout page currency choice: This simply define the look of the currency list at checkout when using multiple currencies. This list will show only when the checkout currency is not an accepted currency by the payment system.

  • Yes: Use radio button list
  • No: Use drop-down list

Payment systen pick-list: Only used for specified payment system. Only set to Yes if the documentation regarding your payment system say so. Otherwise keep this option to No.

User payment fee: Yes to add and show the payment fee to the customer. A different payment fee can be added for each payment system.
Default conversion fee: Default fee in conversion form. Take note that this is in percentage.
Use conversion history: Do you want new exchange rates will be save in conversion history

Enable debug mode: If enabled debug mode, additional log files are created to monitor background processes of payments. Log files are located in "../joobi/user/logs"
Use sandbox mode: All Payments would be redirected to the Sandbox Site of the gateway. This is only available to those payment gateways that have their own sandbox site. You would also need to use only payment setup using sandbox accounts.


Do NOT enable Sandbox mode when your store is ready to take visitors orders. A sandbox is only for testing purposes and not for live transactions.


Add Credit Card Merchants

By default we automatically add the most used credit card companies. In the case that the credit card company that you want to use is not listed, you can create a new one.

From the payment preferences page >> at the top navigation you will see a button "Credit Cards".
Click New to create a new credit card merchant with a logo so your visitors can recognize the gateway upon checkout.

When you create a "Payment Gateway", the credit card merchant you've just created will appear in the credit card listing. However to use your created credit cards, it needs to be supported by your Payment Gateway Merchant.


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