Setup your Shipping and Tax base that fits to your requirements.

Navigate to [any Joobi product / eCommerce] >> Shipping >> Preferences

Tax Section

Use Tax: Enable this option if you want to use Tax or not in your store
Edited Price: Define the default TAX setting when editing a product.

  • Include Tax: the price entered already include the tax.
  • Exclude Tax: the price entered does not include tax and the tax will be added during checkout.

Give Choice per Product: If Yes an option will be available while editing the product to define if the price entered include tax or not.
The preference "Edited Price" is the default store wide. "Give Choice" let the vendor choose how the price is defined for each product.
Show Tax in Catalog: Select Yes to show the Tax information in the catalog listing
Show Price: Include Tax: the price shown will already include the tax and the tax rate will be show below.

  • Exclude Tax: the price shown does not include tax and the tax among will be shown below.

Show 0% Tax: Select No if you don't want to show the tax information for none rated product.
Yes will indicated that the tax rate is 0% ( none rated ).

Zones section

Use States in Zones: Select Yes to be able to define states in Zones.

Dimension Section

Use product Dimension: Select Yes, to have dimension field in the product edit page. And dimensions can be visible in the advance search module / widget through product filters.
Dimension Unit: Choose the dimension used to use.

Shipping Section

Rate evaluation method: Define how the rate should be evaluated, based on the total weight of the basket or based on the total price of the basket.
Use Postal Code: Enable to define different shipping rates based on postal code.
Shipping Tax Rate: Select a product type to define the tax rate for the shipping. The Tax rate of that product type will be used to calculate the tax of the shipping and handling fees. Leave empty to use the default product type.
Minimum Shipping Cost: Define the minimum shipping cost.
Maximum Shipping Cost: Define the maximum shipping cost.


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