Step 1 SEF (Search Engine Friendly) Setup

If you have Joomla SEF turn on, Joobi Applications works very well when Search Engine Friendly URLs and Use URL rewriting are both enabled.

Only Search Engine Friendly URLs is enabled, the link look like this;

If both options are enabled, the link look like this;


Avoid enabling Search Engine Friendly URLs only as it may break some links in your store.


Step 2 Enabling Use URL rewriting

Enabling this option will result to 404 pages in your site if instructions are not followed correctly.

Please read the tooltip next to the option and follow the instruction.


Use URL rewriting
Select to use a server's rewrite engine to catch URLs that meet specific conditions and rewrite them as directed. Available for IIS 7 and Apache.
Apache users only!
Rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess before activating.
IIS 7 users only!
Rename web.config.txt to web.config and install IIS URL Rewrite Module before activating.

Step 3 Beautiful Links

In order to achieve beautiful links, you will need to create 3 menus listed below for the application to get properly item ids.

  1. Catalog menu
  2. Cart menu
  3. Vendor menu (vendor profile or vendor list)

If you do not want these links to be visible to public users, you may hide it but this has to be published.


Please do not create 2 or more of the above menus to avoid broken links and ugly URL. You must have only 1 of each ( store catalog, cart and vendor (profile or listing).

Setup SEF Format

  • Navigate to jApps > Preferences > General Tab
  • Select "Friendly URL" under Page section
  • Click [Save] to save your changes

sef good links

SEF Problems

  • Cancel button is not clickable in the front-end

This is because you did not enabled "User URL rewriting" in Joomla Global Configuration under SEO Settings. You must turn on both options URL Rewriting and Search Engine Friendly URL's.

  • URL still ugly even I have activated URL Rewriting and Search Engine Friendly URL's
  1. Make sure you you do not more than 1 menu of Store Catalog, Vendor (list and profile) and Cart menu.
  2. Verify the itemid of the url that is displaying ugly url, then go to your Joomla menu manager and locate if the item id exist. For convinience you can go to your PHPmyadmin and search for that itemid. If that itemid is not used or not visible in Joomla menu manager, then please delete it.

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