Product bundle allows customers to build their own customized version of a product from an assortment of options. This is advantageous to the customer because they can get the products at a much lower price than if purchasing products individually.

Store Admin

Step 1 In the admin panel, choose Components >> [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Catalog >> Listing >> [type]
Step 2 From the resulting list, check the check box in the first column for any products you want to allow to be bundled together.
Step 3 At the top navigation, click Bundle to enable product bundling.
Step 4 You will be redirected to the edit product page for your new product bundles.
Step 5 Fill all required fileds for your new bundled products.
Step 6 Click [ Save ] to save your changes.


Vendor Setup—allow vendors to bundle their own items


This is available for jMarket multi-vendor functionality only.

Step 1 In the admin panel, choose Components >> jMarket >> Vendors
Step 2 Select Vendors Preferences >> Item & Category
Step 3 Under Functionality section, choose Allow Item Bundle >> Yes
Step 4 Click [ Save ] to save your changes.


For Vendors

  1. From the vendor area, navigate to Catalog >> Listing >> [any prodyct type]
  2. Select the products that you want to bundle together
  3. Click Bundle button from the top navigation


If bundle button is not showing, it means you are in the Catalog listing not in the product listing. You cannot bundle products with different types.

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