Joobi built-in module positions allows you to assign any Joomla module e.g. Joobi available modules, Google Ads module, custom module, or anything that can be displayed inside a module within the Joobi pages.

Note: This feature is only available in jApps 3.7 (April 2015 release)

Joobi Module Positions

Catalog Home page

  • catalog-home-top
  • catalog-home-carrousel
  • catalog-home-search
  • catalog-home-items
  • catalog-home-cateogies
  • catalog-home-vendors
  • catalog-home-bottom

Catalog Category page

  • catalog-category-top
  • catalog-category-carrousel
  • catalog-category-categories
  • catalog-category-items
  • catalog-category-bottom

Catalog Item page

  • catalog-item-top
  • catalog-item-middle
  • catalog-item-bottom

Vendor home page

  • catalog-vendor-top
  • catalog-vendor-banner
  • catalog-vendor-map
  • catalog-vendor-carrousel
  • catalog-vendor-items
  • catalog-vendor-categories
  • catalog-vendor-bottom

Checkout page

  • cart-top
  • cart-tail
  • cart-bottom

How to add module positions?

  • From the admin panel, navigate to Joomla module manager >> locate the module you want to assign
  • From the left side of the module edit page, click the dropdown to see the list of positions
  • Enter the area from the list above and hit "Enter" key from your keyboard to save it


  • From the "Menu Assignment tab" >> Module Assignment must be "On All Pages"
  • Click "Save" to save your changes

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