This is the roadmap for the Joobi products and lists what we plan to achieve in the short and long term.

We operate in a dynamic environment, and things are subject to change. The information provided on these page is intended to outline Joobi general product direction.

We may decide to add new features at any time depending on our capability to deliver products meeting Joobi quality standards. The development, releases and timing of any features or functionality described for Joobi products remains at the sole discretion of Joobi.

This is intended for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon when making any purchasing decision. Please contact Joobi support for final confirmation.


FINALIZING Development is complete and waiting for quality assurance team for deployment.
STARTED Development has started
NOT STARTED Development is not fully confirmed.
CANCELED / PAUSED Development decided to cancel or paused the project for other important development priorities.

FeaturesExpected DeliveryStatus
Catalog App for iOS and Andorid 2ndd Quarter 2015 Started 80%
WordPress Support 2nd Quarter 2015 FINALIZING
Modular Front-end for all Joobi products 2nd Quarter 2015 STARTED (45%)
Drag & Drop for all Joobi products 2nd Quarter 2015 NOT STARTED
Tier Pricing 2nd Quarter 2015 NOT STARTED
Beautiful SEF URL 2nd Quarter 2015 STARTED (20%)
One-page Checkout for Joobi eCommerce 2nd Quarter 2015 NOT STARTED
Bulk Purchasing Discount 2nd Quarter 2015 NOT STARTED
Up-selling & Cross-selling functionality 2nd Quarter 2015 STARTED (20%)
Social eCommerce with Community Builder 1st Quarter 2015 FINALIZING
Tier-Shipping 2nd Quarter 2015 NOT STARTED

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