Item Layout

The Item layout is responsible for handling the Store Item page behavior and display.

There are 3 places an Item page can be configured;

  1. From the Item layout under Catalog >> Preferences, this is the General Preferences where all products will have the same behavior
  2. From the Item layout under Catalog >> Product edition page, this is the preference if you customize to behave each products differently
  3. From the Item layout under Catalog >> Type edition page, this is the preference if you want each product type behave differently.

If you want to change the color and design of the item page icons and button, please refer to the Theme section in this documentation.

Item layout preferences looks like this;

  • Bundle Items section handles the bahavior your bundled products. Please refer to article "Product Bundle" in this tutorial to learn how to bundle a product.
  • Related items section handles the bahavior if the related items within your item page. Please refer to article "Related Items" in this tutorial to learn how to assign a related products.


Item page looks like this;


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