Joobi apps installation is a simple process that should not take more than a few minutes. The following installation guide will help you install Joobi Applications on your website.

  • Before installing Joobi applications you need to ensure that all your website directories are writable.
  • Check Joobi apps installation requirements and make sure your server meets all the necessary requirements.


When you install the paid versions of Joobi applications (except for Free products) , by default a 30 day trial license is installed— Full featured. No limitation.
You can even use All Joobi paid products for free forever however you are restricted access the support and update service. With this model, you can fully test drive Joobi software without limitation. Just buy when you are ready and happy with our services.

Step 1 Make sure all directories are writable.

Login to your Joomla admin area and go to Site >> System Information >> Directory Permission. And make sure all directories listed are writable.

system info

Step 2 Download the latest version of jApps here.


A robust installer that enables you to install and manage all Joobi applications in one interface. Once installed, each of the applications is just a click away from being installed, uninstalled, or upgraded.

Take note that you cannot install any Joobi application without jApps installer.

Step 3 Install the jApps using Extensions Installer in Joomla administration. Go to Extensions >> Extension Manager.


Step 4 Once jApps is installed you will be redirected to the Application page.

If you cannot see the application table, you can access directly by going to your Joomla administration >> Components >>jApps >> Applications.



If Joobi plugin is listed in the WordPress Directory:

  • Log in to your WordPress administrator panel
  • Go to menu Plugins > Add
  • Search for the Joobi plugin you want to install e.g "jDefender"
  • Click to install
  • Activate the plugin
  • A new menu jDefender will appear in your Admin side menu


  • Download the plugin ZIP file from the plugin directory
  • Log in to your WordPress administrator panel
  • Go to menu Plugins > Add
  • Select the tab “Upload”
  • Upload the ZIP file you just downloaded
  • Activate the plugin
  • A new menu of the Joobi plugin will appear in your Admin side menu

You will be suggested to install jApps which we highly recommend to install. jApps is Joobi App manager that allows you to easily manage Joobi Applications and ensuring that your jDefender plugin is update to date and secure all the time. Click here to know more about jApps and why you should you use it.


  • Go to and download the latest version of jApps here
  • Log in to your WordPress administrator panel
  • Go to menu Plugins > Add
  • Select the tab “Upload”
  • Upload the ZIP file you just downloaded
  • Activate the plugin
  • A new menu of jApps will appear in your Admin side menu where you can install and manage your Joobi installed plugins

wordpress install joobi

How to update Joobi Apps?

Joobi applications undergo rigorous testing however there might be few bugs that escaped our testing like environment sensitivity, configuration issues and customizations/changes in your Apps that is impossible for us to simulate. That is why we always recommend to do a complete website backup before doing an update of your site plugins.

Joobi shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the update. We expect you to do a backup or simulate the update process in your development site before doing a big update in your production website.

Golden Rule

Do NOT update a production website and always BACKUP before making any change.

Step 1 Backup.. Backup... Backup

We highly recommend that you make a copy of your site and try the update from the copy. This way you simulate and verify if the update worked properly and avoid any inconvenience to your customers.
If your are updating from jSetup (2007-2010) to jApps, we cannot guarantee a working update/migration. We highly recommend that you contact our support team by submitting a ticket for further information.

We highly recommend to use jBackup to backup your data before doing any change or update in your site.

Step 2 Login to your website admin area -> go to jApps -> Applications.

You will see a list of ALL Joobi apps and then click the button "Check" to ensure you got all the latest update available. All updates are always free during your active subscription period.

Step 3 Update

Things to note

(1) You can't downgrade to previous version. The only way to revert the previous version is to restore your backup prior to the update.
(2) Only websites with active subscription can access to the update server.

Click "Update All" to update ALL applications at the same time or click "Need Update" next to the application you want to update to install the update individually.


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