Step 1 Manually generate file, or wait for the scheduler to create the file.

  • From the admin panel, [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Export >> Google Merchant Feed
  • File location needs to be indicated (location can be obtained in Catalog Preferences >> Integration Tab)


Step 2 — Register to Google Merchant Center if you do not have an account yet

Upload or create data feed using this link

Step 3 — Setup scheduler ('Google Merchant Feed')

From the admin panel, navigate to jApps >> Tools >> Scheduled Tasks


Step 4 — Setup Google Merchant Scheduler

Go to

Select Create under Upload Schedule on the data feed created for the site.


  • Scheduler for Google Merchant center must be enabled and publish
  • File location needs to be indicated (location can be obtained through Catalog Preferences >> Integration Tab)
  • 30 days maximum publish time without updates for each product added in Google Merchant Feed

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