This article will show you how to feature one or more hand picked product(s) from your storefront.

Step 1 Feature an item

  • From the admin panel, go to [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Catalog
  • Select the items you want to feature by click X under "featured" column


Step 2 add style to your Featured badge

  • From the admin panel, navigate to [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Catalog >> Preferences
  • From the catalog preferences, go to Badges tab
  • From the Featured items, select the style you want to use

Use Featured Badge: Select Yes to enable Product Featured functionality
Badge Style: Select the style of the badge you want to use. Please refer to "custom product badge" article to create your own personal badge.
Badge Color: The color of the badge you want to use
Badge Position: Where you want to position the page in the item page

For Vendors

Vendors Featured: Allow vendors to feature items
Max featured Items: Define the maximum number of items that a vendors can feature.
Featured duration: Define the duration of the featured product.
Notify before Expiration: Notify the vendor before a featured item turn automatically not featured.
Notification delay: Define how many hours before the featured item expire, should the vendor be notified.


Featured item in the storefront looks like this:


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