The classified preferences is responsible for handling the general Classified functionality.

Offer Settings

Offer Button

  • Make an offer: Registered site users can make an offer for your ads
  • Request Quote: Site users can request a quote for your ads
  • Submit Information: Site users can submit information about the ads

Private/Public: Define if the offers should be public, private or let the vendors decide.
Use Expiration Date: Use an expiration date on the offers.

Use Price: Let the user define a price for the offer
Use Attachment: Let the user add an attachment for the offer.

Show Count Down: Show a count down to expiration.
Note: Show Countdown option in the Item Layout or Home layout under Catalog >> Preferences need to be enabled


Allow vendor reply: Let the vendor reply to the offer with a message.


Downloadable file format: Specify all the file formats allowed for the electronic/downloadable item separated by a comma. Leave empty if you want to allow any format.
Downloadable Max Size: Specify the maximum file size allowed for the electronic downloadable item ( 0 unlimited ). The unit is Kb ( Kilo bytes )
Download Location: Define the location where the download files get stored. If you have Amazon S3 account, please refer to article "Amazon S3 setup" for more details.


Send reviewed email: Send an email when the offer is reviewed.
Send rejected email: Send an email when the offer is rejected.
Send accepted email: Send an email when the offer is accepted.
Send vendor reply: Send an email when the vendor reply to an offer.
Send user reply: Send an email when the user reply to a conversation.


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