This is article explains how to setup a CanadaPost shipping gateway.


  1. Your products must have weight (grams, pounds or kilo) Please refer to article "Shipping" for detailed setup.
  2. Merchant ID Number provided by CanadaPost

Step 1 Setup a small business account

Call Canada Post’s Venture One Small Business Department: 1-877-262-5762. Ask to setup a small business account. They will give you an Account/User ID#, be sure to write this down. A business account also gives you better rates on shipping so your business can save money.

Step 2 Visit Canada Post's business website

Visit >>

Select the top option “My business has an existing relationship with Canada Post”. Once there Create a User Name, Enter your Account # that you obtained in Step 1 and then create a password.

Step 3 Request a Merchant ID Number for online shopping cart

Call Canada Post’s Sell Online Help Desk: 1-866-511-0546. Mention you are calling to setup a Sell Online Account so you can receive a Merchant ID# that you need for the online shopping cart module/plugin.


Store admin will need to provide your shipping address via the following;

For multi-vendor: [any Joobi eCommerce >> Vendors, edit the store manager account]

For single store: [jStore >> Customers >> Vendor Profile

Shipping address is where the product is located.


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