Attributes gives merchants the power and flexibility to create a truly dynamic online shop.

To understand this idea better, let’s follow with an example;

EU-Sportwear sells athletic clothing, since you sell clothing you need to specify the sizes and colors available to your item. Customers can purchase clothing with different colors and sizes.

In other words, Options allow you to make products that are unique and individualized that would add description to a product.

Step 1 Creating a product attribute

Note: If you want store vendors to use the same "Attributes", please enable Share. However if you want store vendors to create their own "Attributes", please refer to article "vendor attributes" in this documentation.

For Store admin

  • From Joomla admin panel, navigate to Components >> [any Joobi ecommerce] >> Catalog >> Attributes
  • From the Atrributes page, click New to create a new attribute.

Name: The "Name" of the product attribute that will be shown to your customers.
Alias: The alias is only used for the vendor reference. It will be used as the name in the pick-list of option in the item / product edit. The "Name" is shown to the user / buyer, the "Alias" is used by the vendor.
Identifier: Reference of this option
Description: A short descript about this product attribute.
Type: Choose if your attribute will be priced , a percentage or input box of the price of the product.

  • Input box is displayed in the item page in the storefront. You can use it to gather information to your customers about the product.

Access: Define what access level the user requires to view or use this option.
Share: Define if the option should be shared with the vendor. Yes to let the vendor used this option. No will not show this option to the vendor. Comulative: Make this option cumulative.

  • Yes -values of this option will base on products total price
  • No -values of this option will not base on products base price.

Manage Stock: Set to Yes to manage the stock for this Attribute for each product. See article " Attributed Stock" under Catalog section in this documentation for more detailed setup guide.
Required: Define if the option is required before adding to cart.
Publish: Select Yes you display the product attribute in the storefront.
Attribute use in: Choose where you want to use this attribute. If you have 2 or more product types (product, auction, subscription, etc.), more available options will be available.



Step 2 Adding attribute values

If you are selling a "Tshirt", you need to create values available for your product such: Sizes (small, medium, large) or Colors (red, blue green).




Step 3 Assign attributes to your product

Once you save your product values, you need to go back and edit your product item that you want to assign the attribute that you just created.
From the Catalog Listing, edit a product and navigate to Attributes Tab.

Click "Add Attributes" to show the list of available attributes.


Click "No" from the select column to assign the attribute.

Click "Close" to close the window and then click [Save] to change your changes.


After saving, it should look like this;


Product attributes look like this in the storefront;


Step 4 Attributes in Advance Search Module / Filters

Once your attributes is successfully created, just navigate to Joomla module manager and location "Catalog Advance Search Module".


From the module edit page, click 'Click here to edit the preferences" to access the module preferences.


From the edit preferences page of the module, you should see the section "Attributes Field" and enable the Attributes that you just created.


Product attributes filters look like this in the storefront ;


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