jDloads is a File and Document manager to manage and control file downloads from your website.

Note: Downloads allow you to start a site where you can offer free downloadable files (movies, music, etc..) without having to purchase. If you want to to sell downloadable files please use jStore or jMarket instead or integrate jDloads with jSubscription for download restrictions base on user access level.


For multi-vendor functionality, some of the tabs might not be available for vendors base on the preferences setup by the store manager. Please refer article "vendor preferences" in this documentation for more detailed guidance.

Step 1 Navigate to Downloads

Store admin

  • From the Admin Panel, choose jDloads >> Downloads
  • Follow step 2 to 8
  • Click [Save] once you are done

For Vendors

  • From the vendor area, navigate to Catalog >> New or Listing
  • Follow step 2 to 8
  • Click [Save] once you are done

Step 2 From the Download page, click New button to create a package


Step 3 Adding a download

General Section

Name: Enter the name of the item as you want your customers to see it. This is a required field.
Alias: Specify an alias for the item. if left blank it will be automatically filled with the name.
Unique ID: The unique id of the item
Category: The chosen category will the "default" category, also the first category. The item can be listed in other category through the multiple category selector in the list of items.
Introduction: Type a short text that best describe your product.
Description: Type a few paragraphs of text that best describe your product.
Vendor: The name of the product owner. This is automatically generated when you click "Save".


Step 4 Add download image

Click "Green button" or "Drag and drop" image files to upload multiple images to accompany the product description that will appear in your store.


  • Compress your images before uploading them to further improve your website page
  • To achieve identical aspect ratios for your images, you may want to edit them in photoshop.

The Photos section of the Add product page looks like this:


Step 5 Specify a download delivery

Note: You can define the File from the file section in jDloads >> Files. Refer to article "File Management".

Maximum Downloads: This is the number of downloads available for this item. This is not per user.
Note: Enter -1 if its unlimited.

Delivery Section

Preview: Upload any supported file type that you want to show to your customers about your product.
Download: Upload any supported file type for your digital product. This option will only display if you choose "electronic or Goods with Attachment" as delivery type.


Step 6 Define a download attributes

Policies: You can specify the policy of the item.

Note: There are 3 places you can configure your Store Policies.

  • Product edit page - Show below image.
  • Type Preference - If you have more than 1 product type (products, subscriptions, auctions, etc.) then Type Preference is selected by default so you can have the flexibility for each individual type.
  • General Preference - If you have only 1 product or if you want to use only 1 Policy for all product types then this option must be selected.

Step 7 Setup your product SEO and Define who can view and purchase

Publishing Section

Publish: Publish or unpublish the item from the storefront. Publish status is the default value.
Block Download: Define if this download is block or not. Enable the store manager to block a vendor product so it does not get publish in the store.
Who can view download: Define what access level the user requires to view the product.
Who can download: Define what access level the user requires to purchase this item.
Start Display: Start display date, when the item will be displayed to the shoppers.
Leave empty for displaying immediately. Shoppers can only purchase when the item is available.
End Display: Specify the date when the item will be removed from the store. Leave empty for unlimited display.
Start Available: Date from when the item can be purchased. If empty same as Start Display.
End Available: Date when the item will NOT be available for purchase any more. If empty same date at End Display.

Title: You can specify here an alternative title for the page of the item. By default the name of the item is used.
Description: Specify the description which should be added to the page header for better search ranking.
Keywords: Specify keyword to be added to the page to increase your search ranking.

Step 8 Configure your download layout

Layout handles how your product is displayed in the storefront.

There are 3 places you can configure your Store layout.

  1. Product edit page - Refer below screenshot.
  2. Type Preference - If you have more than 1 product type (products, subscriptions, auctions, etc.) then Type Preference is selected by default so you can have the flexibility for each individual type.
  3. General Preference - If you have only 1 product type or if you want to use only 1 Layout for all product types then this option must be selected.


Warning: To avoid doing alot of manual work, you should avoid selecting "Yes" if you have alot of product types and a thousand of items.


Friendly Reminder

Joobi uses "evaluate before you buy" approach, we do NOT issue refunds after a subscription is purchased.
All basic plan (3 months) includes a back-link to Joobi.org

We invite you to:

Use the 30 days trial period before buying
Test-drive Joobi products using the demo website
For Mobile apps, check our iOS and Android demo


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