This article explains how to convert support email message into tickets.

Any email sent to the address specified in the "Ticket Preferences >> Integration Tab" gets automatically converted into a ticket. When an email gets converted into a ticket, the user who sent you the email becomes the ticket author and a registered user to your site.

Activate email conversion

  • From the admin panel, navigate to >> jTickets >> Preferences > Integration Tab
  • Under "Email Conversion" section, you need to specify the "bounce-back email" where users can send their request
  • From the Integration tab page, you need to setup email conversion settings
  • Click save once you are done

Tickets by email: Click yes to turn on automatic conversion of email to ticket.
Create accounts for unrecognized email: Click yes if you want to enable automatic creation of account for unrecognized email senders and convert their email into ticket. Else their email will not be converted into ticket.
Automatic conversion of reply: If yes, an email is automatically converted into a reply to a ticket reply when the cutomer creates a reply via their email account.
Else, won't automatic create a reply to a ticket from email.
Bounce-back email: Email account to be used where the email messages are sent to by the customers.


Setup mailbox for the bounce back handling

  • From the admin panel, navigate to jTickets >> Tools >> Mailboxes
  • Create a Mailbox and fill in the correct mailbox information to be able to connect and process the emails automatically.
  • Click save once you are done

Name: data-original-title="Name of the account, this name is not used to connect to the mailbox but enables you to sort your mailbox properly
Description: Write the description of your mailbox
Connection Method: Select the system of connection you want to use
Server: Address of the server you connect to. Example:
Secure Method: Define if the account requires secure connection or not
Self-asssigned Certificates: If you select "Yes", the system won't require the validation of certificates from TLS/SSL server. This option is needed if your server uses self-signed certificates.
Port: Port used to connect to the server
Username: Define the username used to connect to the mailbox. If Gmail is used, enter your gmail email.
Password: Define the password used to connect to the mailbox. If Gmail is used, enter your gmail password.

If you are not sure of your server mailbox connection, please verify this with your hosting provider.


Activate the bounce-back widgets

  • From the mailbox page, click "Widgets (0)" under Assign columns next to your created Mailbox
  • You need to enable the following with correct ordering:

Email Reply conversion - should be ordered 1 (before email to ticket conversion)
Email to ticket conversion - should be ordered 2


Verify the connection

  • Once you created your mailbox, try to click Process or Connect to test the connection.
  • If connection is not working, try to create a test Gmail account and test using Gmail credentials if that is working for you.

Activate scheduled task and cron

  • Verify if you have Task running to trigger your mailbox.
  • Navigate to jTickets >> Tools >> Schedule and locate for Handle Messages
  • Try to click Process button to test the connection.

For automation, please make sure you have a cron task setup. Please refer to article "Cron job setup".


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