Attributed stock is the quantity of a particular product that is available for sale. Stock tracking helps you avoid selling products that have run out of stock.

When to use Attributed Stock

If you are selling products with attributes that has different quantity availability.

For instance, you are selling a T-shirt with different colors.

Green: 5 stock
Red: 2 Stock
Blue: 10 Stock

When your customers complete an order the stock number will automatically decrease until you run out of stock. Product with an attribute "out of stock" cannot be purchase and your customer need to choose another color or wait when the stock is available again.

Step 1 Enable attributed stock

  • From the admin panel, navigate to [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Catalog >> Preferences
  • From the catalog preferences, go to Item tab and locate Items Attributes
  • Attributed Stock Management >> Yes

Max Attributes: Define maximum of attributes per product. Hint: 0 for unlimited.
Max Attributed Stock: Define maximum of attributed stock per product. Hint: 0 for unlimited.

Step 2 Create a product attribute

  • From the admin panel, navigate to [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Catalog >> Attributes
  • From the attributes, click New to create new attributes

Name: The "Name" of the option will be shown to the user / buyer.
Alias: The alias is only used for the vendor reference. It will be used as the name in the pick-list of option in the item / product edit. The "Name" is shown to the user / buyer, the "Alias" is used by the vendor.

Identifier: Reference of this option
Description: The description of your attribute
Type: Choose here if your attribute will be priced or a percentage of the price of the product.
Access: Define what access level the user requires to view or use this option.
Share: Define if the option should be shared with the vendor. That means vendors can re-use the attribute in their products.

  1. Yes to let the vendor used this option.
  2. No will not show this option to the vendor.

Cumulative: Make this option cumulative.

  1. Yes: values of this option will base on products total price
  2. No: values of this option will base on products base price

Manage Stock: Enable this option to activate attributed stock
Required: Define if the option is required before adding to cart.
Attribute use in: Choose where you want to use this attribute.


Step 3 Add attribute values

  • From the admin panel, navigate to [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Catalog >> Attributes
  • From the attributes page, click "Add/Edit values" under Values column
  • Click new to add attribute value

Name: The name of your attribute value e.g red, blue, white for color attribute
Value: Enter a unique numeric value. You can't leave the value empty if the Attribute is required before checkout
Price: The price of the attribute. Leave 0.00 for free attribute.
Publish: Select Yes to activate the product value


Step 4 Assign an attribute to a product

  • From the admin panel, navigate to [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Catalog >> Listing >> [any type]
  • Create/Edit a product, navigate to Attributes tab
  • Click "Add Attributes" to assign an attribute
  • From the pop-up window, click "No" under Select column to assign the attribute
  • Click Save to save and refresh the page



  • Click "Manage Attributed Stock" to assign stocks for different attribute value
  • From the pop-up window, double click "0.00" under Stock to enter a numeric value
  • Click save icon to save the value


Things to note

  1. Every time a product is purchased, product attribute stock will be automatically reduced once an order is completed until out of stock is reached.
  2. To manage the product attribute value stocks, you need to edit each product >> Attributes tab >> "Manage Attributed Stock"

Product item looks like this:


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