The Beforefooter section includes four module positions beforefooter-a, beforefooter-b, beforefooter-c, and beforefooter-d.

Here is a breakdown of the module(s) and particle(s) that appear in this section:

  • Menu (Module)
  • Custom HTML (Module)
  • Custom HTML (Module)
  • jNews (Module)


My Account module is a menu to display certain menu items for users to easily navigate your store. You can create or assign any module you want to fit your purpose.


1. Module Position: beforefooter-a
2. Module Class Suffix: footer_account

Module Creation and Settings


Custom HTML

This module is using a custom html to display certain information. You can create or assign any module you want to fit your purpose.


1. Module Position: beforefooter-b
2. Module Class Suffix: Not Used

Module Creation and Settings


jNews Module

This module is using a custom html to load jNews module for newsletter subscription. You can create or assign any module you want to fit your purpose.


1. Module Position: beforefooter-d
2. Module Class Suffix: Not Used
3. Prepare Content > Yes (Options Tab of the Module Edit)

Module Creation and Settings


Social Media Module

This module is using Gantry 5 Particle to display the social icons. You can create or assign any module you want to fit your purpose.


1. Module Position: beforefooter-d
2. Module Class Suffix: Not Used

Module Creation and Settings



Friendly Reminder

Joobi uses "evaluate before you buy" approach, we do NOT issue refunds after a subscription is purchased.
All basic plan (3 months) includes a back-link to

We invite you to:

Use the 30 days trial period before buying
Test-drive Joobi products using the demo website
For Mobile apps, check our iOS and Android demo


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