A security error occurred. It might happen when you keep a window open for too long. Please reload your page.

The above error will occur only in two of the following reasons:

  • You edited the views and elements
  • Broken update or installation

This is because we have implemented a series of Security checks within the Joobi framework.

First, we've developed an in-house tool which checks and notify our developers for possible human errors in the code that can possibly introduce potential vulnerabilities.

Second, all Joobi applications has a built-in security tool which checks every Joobi page submission and alert administrators about the possible problem.

Third, every time you request for an install or an update into the Joobi server a security checking is also performed for the integrity of the data.

However this functionality can only verify Joobi core files not the edited or newly added ones. If the security is set to "High", then the above error will display and stop you from saving or requesting certain Joobi pages in your site to protect your site.

Lowering the security checking level will remove the above error. Don't panic, it won't make your site vulnerable to hackers. The security checking for requesting an update and Joobi core files are still running.

Lower your Joobi security checking

  • From the admin panel, go to jApps > Preferences > Advance Tab
  • Navigate to Security section and set Security Level > Low
  • Click [Save] to save your changes


Friendly Reminder

Joobi uses "evaluate before you buy" approach, we do NOT issue refunds after a subscription is purchased.
All basic plan (3 months) includes a back-link to Joobi.org

We invite you to:

Use the 30 days trial period before buying
Test-drive Joobi products using the demo website
For Mobile apps, check our iOS and Android demo


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