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The following lines of code need to be called in order to use Joobi functions or classes in other applications.

These lines of code will load the bear minimum Joobi library necessary to call a class or another Joobi piece of code. Anything else required will automatically loaded when necessary.

Including Joobi library:

In WordPress:

if ( ! defined('JOOBI_READY') ) {
	$joobiEntryPoint = '' ;
	$status = include( ABSPATH . 'joobi' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR  . 'entry.php' );
	if ( !$status ) {
		echo "We were unable to load the joobi library.";

In Joomla 1.6 and greater:

if ( ! defined('JOOBI_READY') ) {
	$joobiEntryPoint = '' ;
	$status = include( JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'joobi' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR  . 'entry.php' );
	if ( !$status ) {
		echo "We were unable to load the joobi library.";

In Joomla 1.5:

if ( ! defined('JOOBI_READY') ) {
	$joobiEntryPoint = '' ;
	$status = include( $mosConfig_absolute_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'joobi' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR  . 'entry.php' );
	if ( !$status ) {
		echo "We were unable to load the joobi library.";