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In this tutorial we are going to add a column to a listing.

To better understand the idea, let us add the "vendor name" in to the sales reports as an example.

Locate the Sales reports view

  • Navigate to Reports > Sales
  • From the sales reports page, browse to the bottom of the page to check the view details to know the name of the page so we can edit it and add the vendor name.
  • Copy the view name for later use.

sales reports view

Locate the vendors listing and copy the vendor name elements

In order to know the vendor name element, we need to know a view which display the vendor name so we can copy.

  • The vendor listing in [any Joobi ecommerce] > Vendors displays the list of vendors
  • From the vendors page, browse to the bottom of the page to check the view details to know the name of the page so we can edit it and copy the element details.
  • Copy the view name for later use.

vendor list view

Create a column

  • From the admin panel, navigate to jDesign > Views > Listings
  • Search the view name that you copied from the Sales report page and vendors page in 2 separate browser tabs so you can see both of them at the same time.
  • From the sales report search result page, click "elements" button and click "New" button in order to create the new column
  • From the vendors listing search result page, click "elements" button and locate the vendor name. You need to copy all the details for this element into the new element that you are creating under sales reports.

Copy each element accordingly: Model, Column, Type