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We have compiled a list of articles and common questions that we hear from our customers. Ask or enter a search term below for quick results.

Note: If you can't find what you're looking for; try this custom search.


[April Release] New features and bug fixes. Visit this article to see the complete changelog.

[New App—Beta Ready] jNewsletters is now ready for Beta Testing. jNewsletter is a Free newsletter app to replace jNews Free. If you'd like to help us beta test click here to participate.

[Template Update] Marktplatz 3.1.17 update. Visit the changelog.

Site Hacked, while Acajoom-Free being used...
Status: Solved

Hi I have a joomla site that was hacked this week.  I had been using acajoom free (the mailing newsletter program free version) for a year.  The joomla install that got hacked was unfortunately not the latest security release but less than 1.15.18 (the current sec. release). 

The hack did happen at the exact time I hit send on a second mailing that day (to a dif. list, the irst mailing the first mailing that day had been successfully sent already).

 The hacker did leave some back door stuff, so we have completely removed everything from the domain, even tho I am told the databases *look* untouched.

Sooooo questions... I have exported my mailing lists, and hope they would be okay to use in some form -- any thoughts?  Also -- are you aware of any vulnerabilities in the free version of acajoom?  I prob. won't be reinstalling a version of until I am certain in the latest secure version of joomla acajoom doesn't have any vulnerabilities.  

Author: carli
Created: 3 July 2010
Elapsed: 14 Years 2 Months
Cron schedule
Status: 120
hello, how do i tell my cron task what TIME to execute;

i see the frequency selection, but i'd like to choose the specific time to execute the task.

thank you

Author: terencarter
Created: 21 November 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Purchase order W10ESWD
Status: Solved
ID: 74872CRPK
Again I am having problems with the purchase order. All indications showed the payment went through. However the system is showing wait for payment.

I need to get on with installation. Thanks.

Best regards,
Kendall Scott Wills

Author: kendallw1950
Created: 26 November 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Page not found in jSetup
Status: 120
The following happened when trying to install jSetup

Error 404 not found.

Best regards,
Kendall Scott Wills

Author: kendallw1950
Created: 26 November 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Block on download jCommunity Core
Status: Solved
May you unlock this dowload?
Thank you.

Author: elenix
Created: 27 November 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Cron not working?
Status: 120
is there an issue with the cron tasks this a.m.?

the last time the cron task was able to see my sever was at 12:56 [est]

was hoping to hear whether it was something i had failed to do, or if there was an issue on your side.

please let me know.

thank you


Author: mrdugan
Created: 28 November 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Token required
Status: Solved
Some time ago I bought a plus license for the satsang association in Poland. I never got a token. I only recently stabilized our site so it is only needed now. Could you give me the token for plus?
Created: 28 November 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
No emails going out
Status: 120
none of my emails are going out.  i mainly use autoresponders, and nothing is working.
Author: jdvr
Created: 1 December 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Status: Solved
I Search fpr a Community component and i found jCommunity.
So i have any Questions:

- Is there a way to manage images?
- Is it possible images visible only to make friends?
- Does the PM system PRO version of a screenshot?
- JCommunity works with jComments (avatars) together?

I have the free version installed, but how can I switch to German?

Thank you very much!

Author: lukass2000
Created: 1 December 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
404 - An error has occurred. Component Not Found
Status: Solved
Hi there

I'm trying to install your setup component and that's all I get :

 404 - An error has occurred.  Component Not Found

I'm working on joomla 1.5.8 - however when installing on another server with joomla 1.0.15 everthing fine - any idea


Author: thilo
Created: 3 December 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Adding a plug-in/bridge to VirtueMart
Status: Solved
I'm requesting a plug in/bridge to Virtue Mart for so that it can be used alongside of and "under" the control of JCommunity in a similar fashion to the attached Community Builder plug in that does the same thing.

Judging from what I read in the code of this GPL'd plug in is that it seeks to synchronize the data in the corresponding fields in Joomla and Community Builder for the purposes of registration and log in.

Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.



Author: TtfnJohn
Created: 3 December 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Unable to install Joobi Installer
Status: Solved

I have a IIS7 webserver with Joomal 1.5.7 and Mysql 5.0.51b.
I have installed Zenguard, and the pre-install screen tells me that everything is Ok, and that I should click Next.
When i click Next, i get:
Trying to connect to the repository
Successful connexion on
List of needed packages retrieved.

and it just stops there.
Nothing else happens.

Can you help?


Author: chaoslord
Created: 4 December 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
No download link or license key
Status: Solved
Stretching into 72 hours or so ago I ordered the PRO version of JCommunity through PayPal and have yet to receive an email with any sort of download link or acknowledgement of the order from you.

According to My Orders it appears you are still waiting for the money to be transferred from PayPal to you though I did get a receipt from PayPal saying the order was  successfully placed.

If this is normal, in the sense of PayPal being slow to transfer the money, please advise me of the usual wait time.  If not, what is my next step here?



Author: TtfnJohn
Created: 4 December 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Unable to install
Status: Solved
I'm also not able to install Jsetup.

I have a fresh installation of Joomla on my hosted account.

This is the server information:

Type Debian

MySQL Version
MySQL Version 5.0.45

Perl Version
Perl 5.8.8

PHP Version
PHP 4.4.7

I received this error message when running the installer:

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
The script had an error or it did not produce any output. If there was an error, you should be able to see it in the error log.

When I look at the javascript error log - this is the last error message:

Error: not well-formed
Source File: http://mywebsite/iCampOut/administrator/index.php
Line: 1, Column: 6
Source Code:


I looked at the log files on my server, but did not see anything that seems related to Joomla and Jsetup.

Let me know if you have any ideas...


Author: detnyre
Created: 4 December 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Modules & memberlist
Status: Solved
hello, in my components is jsetup the modules was not installed. how can I provide one memberlist? I use plus version.
Author: Hitman
Created: 5 December 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Version choice on admin back end serves up a blank page after adding token
Status: Solved
And pressing save.  Is there something wrong with something I did or is there something going on that I ought to know about?




Author: TtfnJohn
Created: 5 December 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
JStore -- offer of assistance in apha/beta testing if that's the stage it's in.
Status: Solved
I see here on your site a store application called jStore on the notice at the bottom of the page.

If this app is still in alpha or beta test stage and you need assistance in testing it I would be more than happy to help.



Author: TtfnJohn
Created: 5 December 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Unable to install (jCommunity by means of the) jSetup...
Status: Solved
I'm getting the errormsg:

The IonCube Loader is still not installed. Therefore, we won't be able to proceed to an automatic install of the ioncube loader.
- You can download the Zend optimizer module and install it.
- You can download the Ioncube Loader. Edit the file /usr/local/lib/php.ini and add the following line before any other line containing 'zend_extension':
zend_extension = //
And finally restart your web server.

Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Temporary module name should contain only filename in /[removed]/www/administrator/components/com_joobiinstaller/encoding_ioncube.php on line 61

Now, the thing is that I'm really just interested in the jCommunity component and really don't mind the zip files but I can't see how to obtain/install this without the jSetup "complexer"...

Further, as I don't run my own webserver I'm unable to perform the solution steps mentioned to get this "Ioncube loader" running. So; any suggestions or should I just forget the jCommunity component and go for CB...?

Author: fisken
Created: 7 December 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Paid for upgrade - where do I get the files/token to activate?
Status: Solved
I paid via paypal for jcommunity plus. Where do I get the files/token to install this? I'm on a deadline and need it soon!

Looking forward to some kind of joy...

Author: poundsixzeros
Created: 8 December 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Installation has stopped???
Status: Solved
Package members retrieved.

The installation has stopped. Please contact Joobi support for more information.

Author: itenbrink
Created: 9 December 2008
Elapsed: 15 Years 9 Months
Replies Details
Hello Brad Williamson,

Please download jNewsletter here through jApps.

After installing jApps, you should see jNewsletter in jApps > Apps

Please do not use the App on production website.

Here is the features available:

To report for bugs and suggestions, please submit them in this ticket under jNewsletter.

Kind Regards,
Response: 18 Hours 2 Minutes
Hello Jan,

Finally I got the traceroute results from our Server Admin with your domain.

traceroute www.amalia?vansolms.o?rg
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 (  0.636 ms  0.520 ms  0.525 ms
2 (  5.422 ms *  13.201 ms
3 (  327.996 ms  5.933 ms *
4 (  13.097 ms  13.253 ms  13.024 ms
5 (  15.815 ms  15.779 ms  15.759 ms
6 (  15.868 ms  19.876 ms  15.754 ms
7 (  47.597 ms  16.104 ms  16.028 ms
8  * * *
9  * * *
10  * * *
11  * * *
12  * * *
13  * * *
14  * * *
15  * * *
16  * * *
17  * * *

You can use this IP ( our server IP) for your hosting to do some tracing out as well.

Hope this can help solving the issue..

Kind Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 4 Hours 36 Minutes
Hi David,

Sorry I forgot that.

I already turned this ticket into a private one.

About the payment options you can select any of the ff: Paypal, Moneybookers, 2Checkout,, or Ccavenue.

Please give us an FTP access.

Thank you for patience and consideration.

Kind regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 3 Hours 3 Minutes
Thx for the conformation.
I think i know what happend. I'm hosting all my sites on the servers of Hosting2Go and a other client off me added over 50 new adresses to there newsletter. The server from Hosting2Go saw this as spam and put a block on the ip adress.
Result all my clients can't send any newsletters anymore. The problem will be resulted on monday.

Kind regards,
Jos Brocks
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 10 Minutes 11 Seconds
Hi Ketil,

I will unpublished your new token, but I'll give you a new token for your new AcajoomPRO4.1.5.

Here is your new token: MAN4AE8DF1IVTL1N

If you have question/concerns please do not hesitate to reply this ticket.


Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 25 Minutes 39 Seconds
FTP login details:

UN: profpost
PW: Q7427Pc9-;jE

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 9 Minutes 54 Seconds
Thank you also for the response Joss,

Hope this issue will totally be solved.
Please keep updated on the release date of Acajoom we added some new features and improvements on the new package.

You can avail the upgrade Next week..

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 8 Minutes 8 Seconds
Hello Rydanzig,

I try to explain this.

My site has a public area and a private member area (VIP section).
The VIP section to be paid (membership area). All other sections are free. In jSubscription I have set the Section "VIP" as the Membership Area.

My Startpage (Home) belongs to the section "General".

The problem is that on the Startpage (Home) their are a link  "Subscribe to read!"

This link may only stands in the Section  "VIP" and not in the free Areas (Sections).

Why this is shown on the homepage?

Thank you very much.

Best Regards
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 3 Days 19 Hours
Hello Dan,

Thank you for the complete details you have given us here, this would help us figure out the problem.

Would you mind giving me temporary access to the backend of your site so that I can have a look to the settings of your editor and Acajoom?

After this you can disable the login details for some security purposes.

Kind Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 6 Hours
Hello Prue,

I already forwarded it to the developers. Please try to reply to the ticket that you created before just to avoid confusion. Thanks

Best Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 57 Minutes 2 Seconds
thanks for the is installed in the admin panel. Now the for my token LACA3151-9504 produced code


is not running on


noYour license is not valid...
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 20 Hours 5 Minutes
Hi Carlos,

I will forward your issue to our sales department.

Please wait for any updates to them.

Kind Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 19 Hours 33 Minutes
Hi Christophe,

I logged in from the back end and found out that you have two mailboxes, which mailbox you want to use?  To populate your inbox with the emails from your mailbox, select mailbox then click "Process" button.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 13 Hours 50 Minutes
Hi Jan,

Good day!
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Our bank accept only new zealand currency 
The money that you will be paying is converted to new zealand dollars.

Kind Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 8 Minutes 51 Seconds
HI Roberto,

Good day!

Ahh, I see. So you don't want the "Subscribe to read!" link to be remove?If so, could you please give us a temporary access so that we can some test on your site.

If possible, could you please give us some screenshots of the link you are referring to.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 2 Hours 6 Minutes


user: ijoobi
pass: ijoobi

See user Leonie Geduld
[email protected]

Registered and active in:
- Joomla user list
- Community Builder
- Account Expiration Component

Listed in Acajoom subscribers as active
Registered for two auto-responders

Acajoom log shows that she has never been sent anything.
Other messages were delivered to users on the day that she subscribed and on following days.

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 2 Weeks 21 Hours
Hi Karsten,

Good day!

Thanks your for the prompt notification and sorry for the inconvenience.

I've already sent the new token for your new acajoom in your email.

Please check.

If it still doesn't work, please contact us again.

Best Regards,


Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 32 Minutes
Hi Brendon,

Good day!

Thanks for the trust you have given to us . But when I tried to entered your site, it ask for the http access. Did you put some http access for security in your site? If yes, please share to me the http access so that I continue the testing in your site.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 15 Minutes 18 Seconds
Hi Jan,

Good day!

If you dont want your subscriber not received email confirmation.

Just go to Acajoom-> Configuration. In the subscriber tab set the Require Confirmation to "No".

Then save when your done. Let me know if it works.

Kind Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 14 Minutes 17 Seconds
Dear Shirley
thanks for your prompt reply

I had already tested this, but only subcribers, which are confirmed are getting the newsletter. I would like to use the [confirmation]  option in the newsletter, and not a seperated message.

Just for my information. When i use the confirmation option. Will the subcriber get the newsletter after the confirmation, or do i have to resend it?
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 10 Minutes 50 Seconds
Hi Christian,

I was able to replicate the issue from my test site, what's strange is it only appears when adding comments using  jFeedback.  I need to verify this to the developer.  Please wait for updates.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 17 Hours 53 Minutes
Great job! Thank you! Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 4 Hours 19 Minutes

there is further the problem.
A question, I can converse with you German?

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 3 Weeks 3 Days
Hi Carlos,

Your order is now completed.

Kindly check in your email add if you received any package and token number?

Waiting for your response.

Kind Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 50 Minutes
Hi Lech,

Please unzip and copy/paste the extracted file in the Acajoom language folder :

"Joomla / Administrator / components / com_acajoom / language". 

For the name, I think it should be polish.php.

Thank you.

Kind regards,


Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 8 Hours 14 Minutes
Hello Rydanzig,

i have made a PDF File with a Description and Images.
Here are the Link:

Can not make it in the global settings if the link is visible or not ??

Before i send the LogIn Data for my Backend, is this a Private or Public Ticket ??

Thank you.

Best Regards.

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 4 Minutes
Hi Soren,

Your order is now completed.

Kindly check in your email add if your received any package and token number?

Waiting for your response.

Kind Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 4 Hours 17 Minutes
Dear kon,

You may try what you said for one or for both the mailboxes... it doensn't fill up the inbox.

You may tast with it, the site is under construction.

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 46 Minutes
Hi Arnaud,

Your order is now complete.

Kindly check in your email add if your received the package and the token number?

Waiting for your response.

Kind Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 4 Hours 35 Minutes
Hi Roberto,

This is a private ticket. So the data you shared can only accessible between us and you...

Kind regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 10 Minutes 21 Seconds
Hi Rydanzig,

OK, fine.

Here the Data:


User: joobi
Password: joobi1000

Best Regards.
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 4 Minutes 26 Seconds

Thanks, I have got the license key.
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 23 Minutes 8 Seconds
Hi Janel,

Have you tried entering a number(eg. 15) in Acajoom --> Configuration --> Miscellaneous tab --> Article Introduction.  Entering a number other than 0 will shorten the message when inserting "intro only" in your newsletters.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 38 Minutes 11 Seconds
my provider removed some rules in their router and asks will you try another traceroute ?
And send the result  again to us.

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 4 Hours 43 Minutes
Hi Soren,

Good day!

Great, you have already your license key and it seems that this ticket is already been solved. Would you mind if we will close this ticket.

If ever you have other inquiries or questions, you can write another ticket.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 5 Minutes 7 Seconds Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 14 Hours 3 Minutes
I don't want to shorten the article I want to insert the article intro without the image or image caption in the article into.

Shortening the article intro still includes the article intro image and image caption.
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 41 Minutes 39 Seconds
Hi Asselin,

Good day!

Regarding your concern, here are the following steps

Installing the Acajoom

1. Uninstall the acajoom news (free version)
2. Install the acajoom via your Install/Uninstall link in your own joomla site.
3. Login to the with your own account.
4. Enter the token in Components->Acajoom->Configuration->License and click Save Button
5. Click the link enter license form and fill up the necessary fields and click save
6. Copy the green information (that is your license)
7. go back to the Components->Acajoom->Configuration->License and paste the licence on the license field and click save button.

Installing the other joobi products.

1. Install first the jsetup
If you don't have the jsetup package, download the jsetup from this link :
2. Once jsetup is already been installed, you can install the other joobi components.
Go to Components->Jsetup->Application and install the other joobi components.

Validating the token of the other joobi components.

1. go to Components->Jseup->Application
2. select a particular component and click the green icon - Enter token (upper right corner of the page) and enter to corresponding token of that component.

If ever you still have problem, please notify us so that we can help you as best as we can.

Hope this help,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 42 Minutes 2 Seconds
Hi Johan,

Good day!

Regarding your concern in installing jSetup, you don't have to extract the package. You can directly install the package using the install/uninstall tab in your joomla site.

Steps on how to install the jsetup

1. If the package is already extract, compress or zip it again.
2. Install the jsetup using your joomla site.

If it still doesn't work, you can contact us again.

Hope this helps,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 18 Hours 16 Minutes
Hi Guy,

Good day!

I've used the username and password that you gave me but the one you gave me is not a super admin level user.

Would you mind if I can ask a temporary access with a super admin privilege in your site.

If you will give, it may help me to solve the problem

Hope to hear from you soon and thanks in advance.

Kind regards,


Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 5 Minutes
sorry, no token in my email. please send to [email protected] or add to my customer account. Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 2 Hours 50 Minutes
Hi Janel,

I'll forward your ticket to the developer.  Please wait for updates.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 48 Minutes 58 Seconds
Hi Janel,

By the way may I know what specific version of Acajoom Pro are you using?

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 3 Minutes 23 Seconds
Acajoom Version Acajoom PRO 4.1.5 Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 2 Minutes 3 Seconds
Hi Karsten

Good day!

Sorry for the inconvenience, I guess the email was delayed. Anyway, this is your new token MAN4AEGJ71IQYV1.

Please check.

If it still doesn't work, please contact us again.

Also, please update us what had happen.

Hope this help,


Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 13 Minutes 2 Seconds
Hi Solarian,

Good day!

Regarding your concern about discount since Christmas is nearly approaching, yes we do have holiday gifts. Please check this link for more info

Also, about your issue in acajoom, I will talk to our developer if it is possible. I will update you as soon as possible..

Kind regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 4 Hours 54 Minutes
Ok you have Super Administator access to my site
Thank you
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 23 Minutes 30 Seconds
Hi Christophe,

The problem why the inbox was not populated with messages was that Mailbox --> Preferences --> Maximum number of messages was set to 0.  I've changed it to 50 and some 50 messages from your email went in the inbox.

By the way I have update your jsetup and it automatically went back to components menu instead from Nieuwsbrief.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 2 Hours 34 Minutes


A few questions again...
Pls see in red.

Installing the Acajoom

1. Uninstall the acajoom news (free version)

2. Install the acajoom via your Install/Uninstall link in your own joomla site.
Which file ??? Where do I download it ?

3. Login to the with your own account.
Why ?

4. Enter the token in Components->Acajoom->Configuration->License and click Save Button
In the back end of my website I assume?

5. Click the link enter license form and fill up the necessary fields and click save
6. Copy the green information (that is your license)
7. go back to the Components->Acajoom->Configuration->License and paste the licence on the license field and click save button.
Others :
I will try this tomorrow (9PM here in France)

Installing the other joobi products.

Are you talking about :
jBounceBack Plus jLinks PRO Thank you.Best,Asselin
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 2 Hours 2 Minutes
Hi Jay,

Please make sure you are using the latest jsetup and its components.  You can check and upgrade by going to jSetup -->  Applications, click "check" button.  If it says "Out of date", just click "Out of date" then you will be redirected to the page for upgrading.

To validate the license of jTickets, select jTickets then click "Enter token", enter token that that was issued to you for jTickets(

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 17 Minutes 50 Seconds
Hi David,

I need to forward your ticket to the developer.  Please wait for updates.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 2 Hours 34 Minutes
Hi Guy,

Good day!

Your configuration is great. I can send newsletter to a subscriber. Regarding your concern, I guess you have a problem about your server limitation. Please ask your server provider on your server limitation. Maybe you've reached the amount of mails you can sent in a day or hour.

For example, you can only send 15 mails in an hour, so if you have 50 mails to be sent in an hour, obviously the other 35 will cause some errors.

You can solve this issue if you have the commercial versions of acajoom (Plus or PRO). You can schedule the number of mails to be sent in an hour.

So example you have 50 mails to be sent in an hour, and you have a server limitation of 15 mails per hour. You can schedule the sending of mails every hour. So you can schedule in every hour 15 mails. The cron will just trigger the sending of mails in every hour as you have set.

Hope this is clear to you now.

If you still have questions or clarification, please contact us again.

Your questions are very much welcome.

Kind regards,


Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 21 Minutes
HI Guy,

Good day!

Yes I'm the one who've done that.

Anymore questions?

Please don't hesitate to ask further questions.

Kind regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 25 Minutes 11 Seconds
Hi Asselin,

Good day!

Which file ??? Where do I download it ?
I will send the package to this email [email protected]. Please check,

Why ?
 To retrieve your license, you can't retrieve your license if you are not log in.

In the back end of my website I assume?

 Yes, you can do this in your back end.

Installing the other joobi products.
 Yes, I'm referring to those components. But you must first install the jsetup first before you can install the other components except for the acajoom.

Hope that I made it clear for you.

If you still have problem, please feel free to ask and reply in this ticket.

Best Regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 32 Minutes 59 Seconds
HI Marsha,

Good day!

Regarding your input, I guess you have a problem in the setting in sending your emails.

I will give you this link - It may help you.

If is still not working, please let us know so that we can help you as best as we can. If you can provide a temporary access to us in your back end, the better. So that we can run some test in your site and try to figure out what's the problem and try to solve them.

Kind regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 19 Minutes 33 Seconds
Hi Roberto,

Good day!

I see what you are trying to mean. You don't want the link "Subscribe to read" to appear in the Start page?

Am I correct? If that's so, it is normal if you set restriction to your user. It is like an advertisement, the user must subscribe if he/she wish to see the content of that link.

So if you will remove that link, so there is no option for the user to subscribe on that link. The only time  that he/she can choose whether to become a subscriber is when he/she is on the register page.

So by the time that he/she choose not to be a subscriber then he/she can't anymore have the change to subscribe on that link.

I hope that I answered your question.

Kind regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 4 Hours 32 Minutes
Hi Peter,

Please use this tokens:

Acajoom Pro: TOK7N04ARWY1N
jBounceback Pro: TOK7N04ARWY3N
jLinks Pro: TOK7N04ARWY4N

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 31 Minutes 48 Seconds
Hi Marsha,

You mean what mailing was read?  Please go to statistics and click on which mailing you want to view, it will then show the statistics for that mailing.  Although there is a glitch with the statistics because it is not accurate, the developer is currently working on it.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 57 Minutes
Hi Ronan,

Thanks for your quick response.
The smart-newsletter would only pick the latest date of article that you publish.

Please try to edit the date of your article to the list of your content.
Then save when your are done.Then smart-newsletter would generate to your latest content.

Hope this solve the issue.

Kind Regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 12 Hours 43 Minutes
If I fill in this code on the website


I receive:

The license could not be generated!

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 4 Hours 19 Minutes
Hi Jan,

Thanks for your quick response.
As I have known the all user that subscribe to your list they would probably received it.

Yes, the user will get newsletter after they subscribe to your list and require their confirmation 
If you set to require confirmation to yes.

Its function if you have set it to "No" it will not retrieve automatically to the other use.

Hoping for your response.

Kind Regards,

Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 6 Hours 56 Minutes

Our old website is which the root domain was changed to which is where it is currently hosted (both these domains have same host).

But now we want to move it to our brother site . But please note that joomla is not the root directory yet as we are not finished loading acajoom and some other modules before we launch it. The joomla site is , but we need acajoom to work when we move joomla to root site

Can you please release license and point me in the right direction to the documentation that will assist me in the move.

Thank you for your time.

Craig Ruda
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 1 Months 5 Days
Hello Prue,

I already fixed the problem for you. What I did is just after an error appeared that you cannot install the jSetup because you have some folders left undeleted, I clicked the button located below the error to delete the rest of folders. If this occur again, just find the button and click it and wait for it to install. I also reinstalled the jCommunity for you.

For Acajoom, you can install it using the joomla way (Extension>Install/Uninstall). It is not connected with jSetup yet.

Please inform me if you need further assistance.

Best Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 20 Hours 55 Minutes
Hello Craig,

This is your new token: MAN4AFC4T1IUHO1N

You may use it to fetch then validate your new license.

Also, I checked your account in our database and I found out that the version of your Acajoom is quite old. If you want to obtain the new version, please purchase joobicare. Please remember that if you decide to upgrade, don't use the token immediately.Instead, please wait until you will have latest version and use the token in that version. 

Here's the link for the joobicare purchase:,com_jmarket/Itemid,49/controller,product-display/pid,12/task,show/

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 3 Hours 37 Minutes
Hello Karsten,

I know that it sounds frustrating but if possible, can you provide us backend access and joobi account information (username and password)? I need to try different tokens and run some tests. It might be a hassle in your part, so its better if I will try it myself. I apologize for the trouble. We will fix it as soon as possible for you.

Thanks for the understanding. 

Best Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 4 Hours 18 Minutes
Hello Peter,

Sorry but we can't speak any other language besides english. If you want you can give us backend access and we will try to fix it for you. Please explain it again since its quite confusing like how did you get this error and what did you do before you got error. We will try to understand as much as we can and try to find the problem and fix it for you. 

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 11 Hours 11 Minutes
Hello Francisco,

I already forwarded it to the developer since it cannot be edited in the backend. I will send you the solution as soon as I will get a response from them. Thanks for understanding.

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Replied: 27 November 2009
Response: 19 Hours 6 Minutes
Hello Olivier,

I provided the link of the article that might help you.
Please read this article:

Read this portion:

"Subscribe all your subscribers to an existing LIST"

Please inform me if it works or not.

Best Regards,
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 45 Minutes 46 Seconds
Hi David,

I already fixed the issue. The problem is that the description of your subscription contained a text which is copied from another textfield. When you copy a text, you will also copy the text field itself which makes the description or intro too wide. What I did is cut the text there, paste to notepad and paste it to the field again. Now the textfield that is included in the text has been removed.

How to avoid this? Type in the text that you want to put into the description or introduction or if you want to copy a text from somewhere and paste it on the field, be sure to paste it first to a notepad and copy again before putting it to the field.

Kind Regards,

Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 8 Hours 38 Minutes
Hello Francisco,

I already attached in this ticket our latest Spanish language file. Unzip the file then overwrite the old spanish language file to this new one in the ftp server.

For more information, please read the article below to update the language :

Best Regards,
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 52 Minutes 46 Seconds
Hello Lukas,

Thanks for the information.  If you happen to reply to this issue, please try to do it in the previous ticket yu create, so I can easily trace it.

Thanks and Have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 19 Hours
Hello all,
hello Icon,

please see my Attachments.
I doit this with the Token Number and i had had the same Problem youre Server say "The license could not be generated!, what is to do?

Again my URL for Ajacom: or
or http// or

The Token Number for js-setup Package is ok.

I miss in the Package jLinks PRO,  is my Package Acajoom PowerPack PRO the correct


I order this Package over my Affiliate it am however in the account to be seen

if they would like can I you entrance to mine joomla give

Sorry for my bad english.

Peter Lobenstein
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 8 Hours 7 Minutes
It is not that first times which I Acajoom installs, it can it see also here to and it functions to prima.

I installed the newsletter completely normally and activated the module.
If a visitor liked to register into the new type character appears oneself the error 404 side like I you already communicated.
I have the module deinstalliert and again in the Legay mode installed, always get I the same error.

If you liked, look please in the Joomla Administration:
Username. joobi
password: 28112009

I hope, you can help me and my customer can Acajoom correctly use.

Best Regards
Peter Lobenstein
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 3 Hours 4 Minutes
Sorry I forget, my Joobi-Login ist:

Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 22 Minutes 40 Seconds
Sorry I forget, my Joobi-Login is:

pw: 31062650hd
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 10 Minutes 53 Seconds
Hello Jan,

Here's another traceroute you requested:

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 52 byte packets
 1 (  0.563 ms  0.504 ms  0.486 ms
 2  * * (  11.697 ms
 3 (  5.868 ms *  5.705 ms
 4 (  16.242 ms  13.023 ms  13.097 ms
 5 (  15.683 ms  15.631 ms  15.682 ms
 6 (  15.683 ms  15.736 ms  15.723 ms
 7 (  15.932 ms  15.939 ms  15.885 ms
 8  * * *
 9  * * *

Kind Regards,
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 14 Hours 1 Minutes
Thank u your fast response, your ticket system does not notify me your answer... :(

Sorry I dont want to allow make access in our back-end. I plan to buy more licenses so your way is not good problem solving for me, that is too manual. I am ready to reinstall whole acajoom mailing system, if its need.

Please make a patch or a whole new package or release with builded in problem solving which is helpful for other hungarian customers too.

You can download the hungarian languaged joomla from  here:

Please send an email if you answer. : [email protected]

Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 3 Days 22 Hours
Ok thanks i will passed it to my provider.

Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 6 Minutes 48 Seconds
Hi Janel,

I have verified with the developer and I'm sorry to tell you this but your request cannot be done as of now because she is too busy developing new features that has been evaluated as most customers demand and will be ready on the next release, there is no specific date to when the release will be but it will be next year.  The developer may be able to handle your requests after the release.  Your request will be included in the feature request list for evaluation and possible new feature of Acajoom in the future.  I hope you understand.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 13 Hours 15 Minutes
Which file ??? Where do I download it ?
I will send the package to this email [email protected]. Please check,

What are you waiting for to send this e-mail?

If I bought this product, it is because I need it...

Please hurry now !!!
Almost 24 hours that I bought this product !!!!
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 11 Hours 27 Minutes
Hi Peter,

I'm sorry but I didn't get fully what you mean.  I've double checked your order and it is Acajoom PowerPack Pro, this includes: Acajoom Pro, jBounceback Pro and jLinks Pro.

I tried to login from the back end of
http// and but it says "Benutzername und/oder Passwort falsch!".

Please provide the correct login details so I can help you install/validate the licenses of each component.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 19 Minutes
Hello Icon,

sorry I mean this is Login-Dates by my Joobi-Account.

I create a Account in my Joomla-Ste, please follow this Link:

User: joobi
pa: 28112009

Sorry I had the  next Problem,
if I mean side call the side am not loaded but it appear HTTP 500. Happened since I installed jssetup

Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 23 Minutes 41 Seconds
Hi Peter,

I was able to install jsetup and validate the license for jLinks Pro but for jBounceback Pro it seems that you've already used it on, is this a sub domain website?  The license is only good for 1 website, please inform me if you want to transfer the license to  I also installed Acajoom Pro and validate the license using the token TOK7N04ARWY2N.

Please check if you still have th HTTP 500.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 46 Minutes 58 Seconds
Hello Kon,

thank you for the assistance. joomla is in the file " site".
All Domains

to this file are led, is that a Problem?

"Please check if you still have th HTTP 500"
the problem exists unfortunately still.

Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 27 Minutes 38 Seconds
Hello Gian,
username: karsten72
passwort: euroshopper

same for the ijoobi account.

best regards

Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 6 Hours 43 Minutes
Thanks Gian, I didn't see this article. That's perfect. Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 5 Hours 49 Minutes

I would appreciate any answer.

Kind regards

Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 6 Days 15 Hours

Dear Shirley,

thanks for your comments.
I just run a test case and i noticed the following.

1) I made a list, including template etc.
2) i imported members, not validated
3) i made a news letter
4) set up the configuration that not subcribers, get a validation message 
5) i send the newsletter
6) subcribers get a message to confirm their subscription
7) after validation no newsletter is send.

So this means that only the confirmation is send and not the newsletter.

Now it's my aim to sen a newsletter to subcribers, without validation, and use the[confirmation] tag in the newsletter.
Is this possible??
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 11 Hours 23 Minutes
Hi Mello,

No, "Show module in line to no" is not helps.

Please see the setting and error area screen shot in the attachment.

My website:


Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 2 Weeks 5 Days

After the latest release it is now possible to change images. Thank you.

Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 1 Months 1 Weeks
Please forgive my ignorance. How and do I executute:

DELETE FROM jos_acajoom_queue WHERE mailing_id > 0;

I'm thinking there must be a place to enter this string, I'm just not sure where.


Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 20 Hours
This side cannot indicate the website. HTTP 500 Most probable causes: •The website momentarily one waits. •The website contains a programming error.

That was not before the installation of jssetup, Ajacom alone also not.

Have an explanation for the problem

Best Regards
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 6 Hours 9 Minutes
do you still think of me? Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 9 Hours 7 Minutes
Hello Joobi,

I think I the problem found, memory_limit too few were, I it increased.
thanks to all for its assistance.
Iif you would worry please still about the ticket No. G9F47-QET, thanks.

best Regards

Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 55 Minutes 34 Seconds

I have been testing this extensively. The problem is Acajoom. If I upload an old dbase backup prior to installation of Acajoom the site works. I have also edited the config file to max error reporting and turned php.ini to display errors and wow! All joobi stuff. See and the attached

You wanted ftp access:
user: sandbrg
pswd: +93U7$pV3@xF

The site is at :

The live site with acajoom working is at The test site is an exact copy of all files and dbase

I have transfered loads of Joomla websites between the 2 servers; all are OK except this one with acajoom.

Kind Regards

Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 4 Days 3 Hours
How much is the testing and your support?  I have a web master but i am not 100% comfortable with the answers i am getting from him.  I know this feature should work on my site and it's key to the success of my site as well.  If i pay him the last installment i own him, i am not sure if i want to use him again.  I know how to do everything to maintain my site on the front-end.  The back-end is a different story. 

I have over 138 registered user on my site today and only a hand full receives the emails.  The last one i sent i did not receive it on any of my email addresses.

Here is the last message i received from him.  I am halfway computer savvy.
I am narrowing down the issue..from what i can tell It is not Joomla. 
Don't send any more for the time being, we will have to send a few as i iron out this.

I Created 20 new users all with my address and was able to send a email out but only a few times before I got a error because i exceeded the number per hour allowed. 

Another thing I found is that the stats for number read can not be trusted .. even with all the test emails were coming from the same e-mail server (yours) and going to the same server (mine) as many as 1/2 never showed being read after i opened each one. some time opening then 2 or 3 times. This really has nothing to do with joomla or blue host or even my e-mail server (google) it is because the way used to track e-mail is old (at least 18 months) and it recent times some servers have filtered out this type of traffic in order to cut down on spam and increase security. Each time you send an e-mail or view a web page the file you send or receive will have passed in and out of at least 10 and as many as 30 servers any one could block extra data sent for tracking. Tracking has always been a "Hack" so there is no standards to insure that it will always work.         

What seams to be the issue is that you exceeding the number of e-mails you can send per hour. (I am not sure yet what that number is) so we need to spread out the mailing so that no more than X number at a time are sent per hour. This can be done automatically I just need to find out what that number is. it seams that it is to low and i might need to see if BlueHost can Change it. 
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 1 Hours
Dear Evelyn,

Here is the information to my login:

The Username/password to Joomla Interface:
Username: support1
Password: supp0rtnow

Please keep it private. Thank you. Please inform me of what you will do. thanks.
Replied: 28 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 12 Hours
please close this Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 9 Months 1 Weeks
please close this Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 9 Months 1 Weeks
Will you please stop sending me these.

On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Joobi Support Team
Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 6 Days 4 Hours
Mind that this is a live business website...
user: ijoobi
pwd: ijoobi99

front end:
Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 2 Days 20 Hours
Hi kon

Please take a look of the attached file. I've installed version pro 4.1.2. My mod_acajomm looks totaly different. I've no possibility to modify any parameters?

Whats wrong?
Kind regards
Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 3 Weeks 5 Days
I spent many, many hours trying to sort through how to set up the scheduler predictably so that I could manage within the limits of my hosting service's email limits of 500/hour.  In theory if the scheduler works correctly then I ought to be able to set it up so that it cycles 4, 5, 6 times per hour and sends out 60 messages per batch.  

I started out with the sample cronjob at 15 minute intervals, was disappointed that it didn't kick off every 15 minutes, but not surprises because I expected some lag.  However once I got down to running the cronjob at 5 minute intervals I expected it to behave more predictably, but it didn't. 

For the last test I set the cronjob to run at 1 minute intervals and set the scheduler config at 10 minutes and 60 messages per batch.  The result was about 4 batches per hour.  Here's a link to my blog entry where I go into detail with my tests:

The scheduling function needs to be rewritten so that it works predictably.
Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 1 Months 1 Days
It has been awhile. I would like to move this license to:

Thank you, Ben Wolk
Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 4 Months 1 Weeks
Sorry - I already have a license for that site. Ben Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 3 Minutes 4 Seconds

This function now seems to work in the latest release. Thanks.

Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 2 Weeks 2 Days
i've switched to linux hosting from windows hosting and installed ioncube, followed all instructions in your link, and jsetup still says ioncube is not installed.   Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 4 Days 11 Hours
Well I don't know whether this is/was a false alarm or what, but after running some tests on my demo website with various joomla content editors, and it working on them, I returned to just to see. Today the embed code is working with any of three editors enabled, JCE 1.4, tinyMCE 2.0 or tinyMCE 3.2 and CuteEditor 6.3.

I really have no idea what was causing the problem on Friday.  I thought I had tested it using both Firefox on Linux (my regular browser and OS) and also Epiphany on Linux. 

Please let me know if you've heard of anything that might make it fail one day, then work another. 
Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 6 Hours 10 Seconds
Hi Peter,

It's nice knowing that it already working.

Best Regards,
Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 7 Hours 11 Minutes
Hi Can you please tell me how to move the software?
Also, what are the differences between the version I have and the one I would receive with joobicare?


Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 23 Hours
Hi Can you please tell me how to move the software?
Also, what are the differences between the version I have and the one I would receive with joobicare?


Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 1 Seconds
Hi Can you please tell me how to move the software?
Also, what are the differences between the version I have and the one I would receive with joobicare?


Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 1 Seconds
Hi Guy,

Good day!

I've tried to accessed in your back end and front end but I am having a hard time to read the text and languages in the front end. Also, I think the access you have given to me is only an administrator, not super administrator, so I can't change the languages and text displayed in  the front end.

If you don't mind, can I ask a super administrator access in your back end? If you grant our request it would be easy for us to solve or to give you advice on your issue.

If you wouldn't grant our request, it's OK. Maybe this procedure will help you in your issue.

1. Go to Components->Acajoom->List
2. Make a new list by click the icon new.
3. Fill up the fields required and be sure it is published and visible to the front end, otherwise you can't see the list on the front end.
4. Click on the Subscription tab and select a group of users who can access that list.
5. Click on the Add/Edit tab and select a group of users who can access/update to the mails.
6. Click Save icon.
7. Go to your front end and login.
8. Select a particular list from the acajoom subscriber module (Be sure to select the right list that has the privilege that corresponds to the type of user you are currently using).

Ex. If you have a super admin account, be sure to select a list that grants a super admin to add/edit a mail.

9.  Click Change button.
10. Click the list icon.
11. Click Create/View Mailings link.
12. Click Create a New Mailing link.
13. Fill up the necessary field in making the mail and be sure to publish it and be sure to schedule it ahead of your current time.

Note: You can't send a mail manually but you can send the mail automatically depending on the scheduled date you specifiy.

Hope that I made it clear to you. Also, please notify us what had happened.

Any question and inquiries are very much welcome.

Best Regards,

Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 12 Hours 28 Minutes
Ok. Proble solved so this ticket is now closed.

Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 8 Hours 15 Minutes
Hi Marsha,

Good day!

Thanks for the effort to write a detailed report. We appreciated it.

If you are asking on the fee of our service, we don't have a fee or price. You can ask for support for "FREE" of charge.

About the tracking of mails (statistics), yes, you're right that's why it is not accurate. But our developers are trying to solve that issue. Hope that they can find ways to make it accurate.

I guess we don't know exactly your server limitation. I suggest you should ask to your server provider on what is the exact number and I think your server provider has the option to increase your server limitation.

Hope this help,

Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 3 Hours
Hi Wyatt.

Good day!

It's OK. It's nice that you ask help and not to pretend. :)

You can execute that string in a database editor (e.g. PHPMyAdmin).

Please let us know if you still have trouble on where to put that string.

Best Regards,

Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 12 Hours
Hi Asselin,

Good day!

Sorry for the inconvenience. We ask for a deep apology on that.

This is the package that you have requested from us.

Please check. Also, please reply on your ticket if you received this package. So we will know if we successfully sent it to you.

Thank you

Kind regards,
Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 19 Hours
Hi Karsten,

Good day!

Thank you for the trust that you've given to us.

By the way, I've already validated your license.
Please check.

If you still have another questions or you need some help, feel free to reply on this ticket.

Best Regards,

Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 18 Hours
Hi Olivier,

Good day!

You're welcome..It's our privilege to serve you.

It seems that your issue is already been solved. Would you mind if we will close this ticket?

By the moment we close this ticket and you still have questions or you need some help, you can create another ticket for that.

Hope to hear from you soon and thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Replied: 29 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 17 Hours
Hi Jan,

Good day!

Thanks for the detailed reply.

Your issue is something strange. There must be something wrong. In that case, would you mind if I can ask a temporary access in your back end so that we can run some test in your site. After the testing and we successfully solve your issue, you can cancel our access in your back end.

Would that be OK with you?

Hope you will grant our request.

Kind regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 17 Hours
Hi Pavel,

I have send you the latest version of acajoom pro in your email add.

Maybe this would fix the error message that you had seen.

Let me know if its works and notify us if the error was gone.

Kind Regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 5 Hours
Thank you Rydanzig for the responce. 

Ok, i hope it's soon on the tracking of emails being sent out.  That is a key part to my success.

Sending Settings
Pause x seconds every configured amount of emails Is this the right area?
Emails between pauses Is this the right area?
Wait for user input at pause No Yes
Script timeout
Time offset click here to set up the offset in the global configuration panel -> Locale tab
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 23 Minutes I don't need to retain lists and newsletters. I just want a fresh instal of old version onto new site. Then I will upgrade lter. how do I do this?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Joobi Support Team
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 9 Minutes 39 Seconds
Hello Craig,

Please clarify what do you mean by moving. If you want to move acajoom to another site but you need to retain the mailing list as well as the newsletter then you need to migrate all your Acajoom databases and install acajoom in that website. A new token must be also generated to fetch the new license that is why you need to inform us before the migration.

The new version has new bug fixes as well as  new features:
Here is the link : 

Best Regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 57 Minutes

obviously it is now a few months later. I understand that Acajoom Plus v5 is now available and it includes captcha protection on the subscription module. Can you confirm that this upgrade is included if we now purchase the acajoom joobi care.

I guess I should ask this also. We are a registered charity here in NSW Australia - do you have any special arrangements for entities like ours.

Thanks - David

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 3 Months 21 Hours
Hello Peter,

Sorry for the very late reply. Its weekend here, so I was out of town. Would you mind making my access to super administrator? I need to check the global configuration and test something. Also I notice that you have the old version of Acajoom. I tool the liberty to check your account but unfortunately you dont have joobicare, our maintenance solution, to allow you for an upgrade. If you are interested for the upgrade, you can purchase joobicare in this link:,com_jmarket/controller,product-display/lang,en/pid,12/task,show/


Best Regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 9 Minutes 42 Seconds
Hi Liang,

Good day!

I guess the module has no problem because when I tried to visit the link you have given to me, it works fine. Please see the attached image.

I think you should increase your screen solution, it should possibly solve this problem.

If it still doesn't work, please let us know.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 17 Hours
Hi Peter,

Good day!

Sorry for the inconvenience.

For your inquiry, I guess you should set the Debug Queries to "NO" and Debug Errors to "Yes" in the jSetup->Preferences.

To be guided, I attached a screen shot in this ticket. Please check it out.

Please notify us what had happened and if this suggestion solves your problem

If ever you still have questions, feel free to ask.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 15 Hours
Another question, when the statistics is corrected will i need to do anything on my end or will it just update and be correct?   If i do, do you know what i will need to do and know.  I may not have the assistance of my designer...not sure at this point in the game.  

Can you suggest someone long term who can correct breaks in my system long term and help with any updates?   What do i need to get from my web designer before ending business with him?

Please keep these messages private for he could be reading them.  

I wanted to let you know, i know how to maintain all updates on the site but a couple of things.  

Thank you so much for all your help!!!
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 57 Minutes 15 Seconds
Hello Lukas,

Would you mind if I create a new cron for your website in our server ( In this way, I can test if the problem lies on the component or server. If you are okay with it, please provide your joobi account (username and password). Also, I notice that in your scheduler (configuration>scheduler) you set to send 30 newsletter per 1 minute which is beyond your hourly limit of 500. If you try to calculate it, the email sent will be 1800 (exceed the limit of 500). My advice is to reset this cron and set it like 100 per 15 minutes.

Here's the link for the Scheduler info:

Best Regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 3 Days 19 Hours
Hi Olivier,

Good day!

Thanks for your inquiry. We are glad that somehow you are interested in our acajoom.

Let me clarify, do you mean that if ever a subscriber has a problem in viewing a text newsletter, there is a link in the newsletter that will allow the subscriber to view it on html format?Is that what you mean?

If yes, as of now we don't have this feature yet..I'm a little bit curious about your issue because I think that the simplest format is a text newsletter. Is there a possibility that when you have a problem about viewing text newsletter, if you will view it on a html format it will solve the problem?Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just asking...

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,


Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 17 Hours
Hello Gian,

I hope you had beautiful Weekend.

Here entrance to Joomla Admin:
User: joobi
pw. 28112009

Do they have also on the server?

I bought the Upgrade, to order No. WI2YBIZQET7NI.
Am I to now install the Upgrade and do get I still the TOKENS number?

Best Regards
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 46 Minutes 52 Seconds
Hi Jacob,

Good day!

Thanks for notifying us when to transfer you license. Thank you very much.

Since you have told us that we can now transfer your license to the new site. I will do that for you. I will transfer your token to this site

I guess this data will help you.

The license number is : cd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e3402197b704bd2d425bc71e87794bafaa3273873290043
License successfully moved to :
Use the following token number to install the new license : ACAMOV7HK1I2C31N

If you still need assistance, feel free to reply in this ticket.

Hope this help,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 13 Hours
Hi Olivier,

You have to set the "Send Subscription Notification" to yes in your Acajoom->Configuration->Miscellaneous.
Also you must see to it that the receiving admin account must be the email account that you want to receive the notice.

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 55 Minutes 55 Seconds
Hi Peter,

Good day!

Thanks for notifying us what had happened.

If you don't mind, could you please tell us how did you increase the memory in detailed. It will be a great help for the other customer in the future. Who knows maybe some of our clients have the same problem with you.

And about the ticket ID
G9F47-QET, what do you want us to do on that ticket?

Hope to hear from you soon and thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 13 Hours
Hello Jason,

Sorry for the late reply. Currently, we are still investigating the problem. We already forwarded it to the senior developer and I will reply to you as soon as I receive an answer from them.

Thanks for understanding.

Best Regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 3 Days 15 Hours
Hi Pete,

Good day!

Thanks for the complement about our product.

You are not only the one that has a problem about statistics, I guess some of our clients ask for clarification on statistics.

To give you an idea, the reason why the data in the statistics is not accurate it's because it may be their are delayed in the connection (web) or the connection (your server) that you have sets many restrictions and sometimes tracking of mails is considered as hacking (some of the server or network provider consider this as an act of hacking). That's why it is hard for us to get an accurate number on the statistics.

As of now, our developers are search for an alternative on how to fix this problem.

Hope you learn something from my reply.

If you still have questions, please feel free to reply on this ticket.

Kind regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 7 Hours
Hi Michael,

As i checked your order in our record, we don't have a record on your jBounceBack and jLinks.
May i ask the backend access of your site so that i can test it what causes the problem.
You can disable it afterwards if the issue is done.


Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 16 Minutes
Hello Peter,

My weekend is very fine and I had the time to rest.

You can uninstall the old version and install the new version.

Here's your new token to fetch your new license:


"Do they have also on the server? " - What do you mean by this question.

After you install the new version, please inform me if the problem still exists or not.


Best Regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 35 Minutes
Hello Doug,

Currently, we don't have the feature that you are looking for. We cannot send a newsletter based on the date the subscriber subscribe. However, we offer customization services but with extra payment for development. If you are interested, you may inform us and specify the exact feature that you want, the process of the features and any other relevant details that you think can help.

Thanks for supporting iJoobi!

Best Regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 2 Days 12 Minutes
Hi Frank,

Can you please send us your token number or Order ID for us to verify?

Kind Regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 19 Hours 49 Minutes
Hi Thanasi,

I have registered your jsetup already.
Please try to check again your jsetup application if it was updated already.

If it does not work, please notify with this ticket.

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 10 Hours 50 Minutes
Hi Cari,

Good day to you!

Thank you for your concern. We appreciate it.

The invoice that you've send to us is valid. If you are asking why we don't sent the invoice to you? It's because on the purchase, the email address that is registered is [email protected]. So basically, we send the invoice on that email.

I attached a screen shot about the data you've entered in your order.

If you still have questions or clarifications, please feel free to reply on this ticket.

Once again, thank you very much.

Kind regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 6 Hours
Hi James,

Good news!

With the new version of acajoom pro our developer  included a captcha in the acajoom module.

I would like to know your token number or Order ID so that I can send you the latest update of acajoom for me to verify?

Waiting for your response.

Kind Regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 9 Hours 16 Minutes
Hello Jason,

Our developer is asking if its possible that you can provide us FTP access. They need to check something and do some tests.  Hope you can grant our request.

Thanks for the patience!

Best Regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 52 Minutes 52 Seconds
your instructions are exactly what I did to get the above result.

I've changed your lang to english.
after login at:
you will see the ijoobi links at the right side (in english)

I hope this will do.

Good day,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 4 Hours 17 Minutes
Thank you for fast respons :) Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 30 Minutes
Hi Wieger,

Good day!

Thanks for the notification.

Your problem is somewhat strange. Would you mind if you can grant us a temporary access in your back end so that we can run some test. After the issue is solve, you can disable our access in your site.

Would that be OK with you?

If you will grant our request, it will be a big help to solve your issue.

Hope to hear from you soon and thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 19 Hours 53 Minutes
Hi SK,

I'll make this ticket private so that this conversation will be between us and you only.

Sorry for the inconvenience about the license.
Can you please try this token on
     jBounceBack : TOK7NH4AWNC3N
     acajoom : TOK7NH4AWNC2N
     jLinks : TOK7NH4AWNC4N

Please let me know if it works.
Also i have updated your jsetup applications already.
No need for you to buy those mentioned applications.

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 5 Minutes
Hi Jacob,

Good day!

Is it working?Can you give us feedback? If it is working, would you mind if I can close this ticket.

If ever you still have questions or inquiries and we already close this ticket, you can create another ticket for new inquiry.

Hope to hear from you soon and thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 9 Minutes 59 Seconds
It works fint thnak you. You are welcome to close this ticket now. Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 5 Minutes 12 Seconds
Hi Guy,

Good day!

Did the instruction give you solve the issue?

I am still having trouble in the front-end of your site.

I attached a screen shot, this is the text that are displayed in the front end.

Thanks for bearing with me.

Kind regards

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 31 Minutes 37 Seconds
Hi Solarian,

Good day!

I have tested the coupon here in our site and it just working just fine.

Please use this coupon JOOBIXMAS to get 30% off discount.

Our bank only accept new zealand dollar. The amount of money you will be paying will be converted

so its ok to choose the new zealand dollars.

Please notify us if the coupon wont work.

Kind Regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 2 Days 1 Hours

Just created login account for you:
user: acajoom
password: acajoom

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 14 Minutes 48 Seconds
Hi Klaus,

Good day!

Would you mind if we can ask for a temporary access in your site? It would be a great help if you will grant an access in your back end.

Also, can you change the language in the front end to be in English so that it will be easy for us to run some test in your site.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 17 Hours 15 Minutes
Thanks for your efort.
the instruction  didn't help.

Just fill the fields with:
field 1(the two words field) : your username
field 2.(the one word field):  your password
and press the button or ENTER
than you will see english on the right side.

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 13 Minutes 23 Seconds
Hi Rydanzig,

With the debug activated we get the following errors when buying a subscription:

(1) Clicking on "Add to cart"
"Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/sla10000/public_html/testar/cms99/plugins/system/jdefender.php on line 336"

(2) Clicking on "Successfully added to cart. Click here to CheckOut"
"Notice: Use of undefined constant PSHIPPING_NODE_USESHIPPING - assumed 'PSHIPPING_NODE_USESHIPPING' in / ... /joobi/node/basket/controller/basket_check.php on line 233"

(3) Clicking on "Order" (after choosing PayPal)
"Notice: Use of undefined constant PSHIPPING_NODE_USESHIPPING - assumed 'PSHIPPING_NODE_USESHIPPING' in / ... /joobi/node/address/button/checkshipout.php on line 37"

(4) Clicking "Process"
"Notice: Use of undefined constant PSHIPPING_NODE_USESHIPPING - assumed 'PSHIPPING_NODE_USESHIPPING' in / ... /joobi/node/basket/controller/basket_checkout.php on line 73"

"Notice: Use of undefined constant PSHIPPING_NODE_USESHIPPING - assumed 'PSHIPPING_NODE_USESHIPPING' in / ... /joobi/node/basket/form/shipdetailfe.php on line 25"

"The file / ... /joobi/node/shipping/model/rate.php is missing :
Warning: wimport(/ ... /joobi/node/shipping/model/rate.php) [function.wimport]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in / ... /joobi/node/library/lib.php on line 338

Warning: wimport() [function.include]: Failed opening '/ ... /joobi/node/shipping/model/rate.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in / ... /joobi/node/library/lib.php on line 338

in the file /joobi/node/library/lib.php on line 357
in the file /joobi/node/library/model_lib.php on line 676"

"1 : The foreign key for the table jos6_shipping_rate is not defined for the following relation:237, 195
2 : It might also be that you have a form or listing element with the wrong value"

Kind regards

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 2 Hours 33 Minutes
Hi Jovet,

Thanks for a quick reply. The tokens for links and bounceback worked. acajoom pro is still a problem. This is the error I am getting when putting the token in jsetup to activate the acajoom

1. A database query failed
2. Run your site in debug mode for more information or contact the support for the application

Then on next line i get the following message in a green box
The license as been successfully installed.

When I try to create a new list in acajoom, the Auto Responder feature is still closed. It says "Your license is not valid"

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 31 Minutes 35 Seconds

sorry password is acajoom123

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 17 Minutes 41 Seconds
Hi Guy,

I've already log in and still I couldn't find the english language.

I guess you can manage the newsletter. Here it may help, login to your front end, and click the ijoobi link in the right. Go to list and click Creat/View Mailings. Then click the Create a new mailing in the right side on the page.

I've attached the screen shot when after I login. It is still not in English.

Kind regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 10 Minutes 2 Seconds
Hi Jacob,

Thank you for your prompt response.

If you wouldn't mind can I ask a favor? If you have a time, can you write a comment about our products or about the team as a whole.

You can write the comment in this link :

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 30 Minutes 8 Seconds
Package well received.
I will proceed to the installation today.

Thank you,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 4 Hours 57 Minutes
Hi Asselin,

Your welcome. We are privileged to served you.

Thanks for the confirmation.

Would you mind if I can close this ticket?If ever you still have problems or questions and you found out that this ticket is already been closed, you can create another ticket for new issue.

Hope to hear from you soon and thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 2 Minutes 45 Seconds
Hi Wieger,

Good day!

Thanks for the trust you've given to us. Please wait. I'll just update you after I run some test.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Kind regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 15 Minutes 19 Seconds
Yes, please feel free to close it.

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Minutes 41 Seconds
Just a minute !!!

I tried the installation, and your website tells me that the license can not be generated with the token ???

Do you know this issue ?
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 5 Minutes 1 Seconds
Hello John,

We tried to replicate the process and install Acajoom in the localhost and we found out that it works fine.
My advise is to install it online and if the problem still occurs then please inform us and you can give us access, so we can figure out the problem.

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 3 Days 4 Hours
I can't change the site to english.
but all you need is indeed in english.

as you said, click the
ijoobi link in the right.....create new mailing. see new screen shot.
the error happens when clicking "Save Newsletter".


Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 21 Minutes 46 Seconds
Hi Wieger,

Good day!

I guess you have a problem about your sender information. Please fill up with a valid entries. Please fill up the sender email and reply-to address.

After you have fill up the necessary fields, please test it again..

Kind regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 12 Minutes 7 Seconds
Hi Guy,

Thank you for your patience and for giving me updates.

I'll check it for myself if I can get some errors..

Pleas wait. I'll update you soon about my test run.

Kind regards,


Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 4 Minutes 33 Seconds

Dear Rydanzig,

thats ok for me.

UN: service
PW: login

do you also nee more acces, example: ftp / sql?
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 4 Hours 37 Minutes
Hi Guy,

Thanks for the patience.

Your problem is somehow strange. When I click the save button, I encountered an error.

I've attached a screen shot on the error that I encountered? Is it the same with your error?

Would you mind if you can create another list and export all the subscriber and import it on the new list?

If it still does not work, I will pass you to our developers.

Kind regards,


Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 6 Minutes 36 Seconds
Hi Jan,

Thanks for the trust.

I've tried to review the ticket but I can't see the domain or the url of your site. I think you miss it.

Would you mind if you can give me the domain?

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 7 Minutes 37 Seconds
Hello Robert,

First, you need to install jSetup (which is free): Download it

After installing (Extension>install/uninstall) then you can install jMarket from jSetup.
You will have 30-day trial period in which you can try to test jMarket if it fits to you website needs.

Any further questions, feel free to reply in this ticket.

Best Regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 14 Hours
Hi Asselin,

Good thing that I've never close this ticket.:)

So your having problem about the installation. I've already change the type of license of you acajoom. Please try to generate the license again.

If you still have problem, please feel free to reply on this ticket.

Kind regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 30 Minutes 51 Seconds
yes, that's the error i get.

why export and import? it seems like a waste of time...
You can do it from the backend:

And please mind... don't send the newsletter you create.

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 16 Minutes 3 Seconds
Hello Giovanni,

Our policy stated that one jStore license will only be allowed for one domain. However, iJoobi will permit transfer of license. Once you install one license from one website, you can request to transfer that license to another website. If you have finalise the main website, then feel free to inform us, so we can give you a new license.

Best Regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Days 5 Hours
Still does not work.
I also tried ton uninstall/install again acajoom pro, but doesn't work...

Entrer le jeton

[ Nouveau ]

  • La licence ne peut pas être généré!
Afficher # 5101520253050100200
# code de vérification Application Joobi Care Cree
27 November 2009
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 6 Minutes 54 Seconds

No problem.
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 14 Minutes 52 Seconds
Hi, i remove Jsetup component.
Do you need something else?
If i have to remove or rename a directoryin ftp root, tell me the name: is the iocube directory or Zend Optimazer?
Thank you
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 3 Days 10 Hours
Hi there I am using - Acajoom Pro 4.1.5 and the token is ACA7GM1IQAM1N and my order number is WH271AZOV27GM

I do not have a captcha option in my module at all? Please advise?
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 2 Hours 15 Minutes
Hi Raffaele,

Your problem is now been solve!

I manage to reinstall the jSetup and the jTickets as well. It is now translated to italian languages.

Kindly check the front-end of your site the jTickets.

If there is any problem please dont hesitate to ask.

Kind Regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 13 Minutes 49 Seconds

explanation :
Sometimes, some client mail (in macintosh for example), does not show correctly your newsletters (bad caracter, missing photo...)
In this case, I would like to have a link in the newsletter to show it in my web site.
you have less "WYSYWIG problem" in a html browser like firefox  than a client mail...

Perhaps , the solution is to create the newsletters in a article , add a link on this article into this newsletter.

I don't speak english very well ,and all my example I can show you are in french !!

Do you understand what I mean ?

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 3 Hours 41 Minutes
Hi SK,

Again sorry for the inconvenience.
Please try this token for your acajoom: MAN4AJK5C1IVUO1N

Let me know if it works.

Best regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 27 Minutes
Hi James,

I have send you the  latest update of acajoom pro in your email add kindly check it out.

In using the latest upgrade you will now have a captcha in your acajoom module.

Uninstall also the previous version of acajoom then install the new one.

There  are also new features that has added in acajoom pro.

Kind Regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 21 Minutes 8 Seconds
Hi Jan,

Good day!

Yes it is possible. Please try to follow this procedure to test. Hope that this is what you mean.

1. Go to Components>>Acajoom>>Configuration>>Subscriber Tab
2. Se the Require Confirmation to "No".
3. Create a list, be sure to publish it and it must be visible to the front end.
4. Click Save Button.
5. Create a new mail from the list you have created.
6. Be sure to publish it and click Save.
7. Go to your front end and select a particular list
8. (provide the name and the email) and click subscribe button in the acajoom subscriber module.
9. Go to the back end and send the specific newsletter manually (just for testing but you can schedule the newsletter ahead of time).
10. Check your email if you have received the newsletter without a confirmation.

Hope that I made it clear to you.

If you still have problem about this issue, please reply on this ticket.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 39 Minutes 14 Seconds
Hi Dimitry,

I will send you the latest acajoom in your email account.

Please try to check and let me know if that solves the prolem.

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 43 Minutes
Hi Olivier,

Good day!

Thanks for the clarification.

You've a point. But as of know we don't have what you want. The solution that you give in this ticket is still ok. We are glad to hear your suggestion and ideas about this issue. I would be a great help for us if ever we have a customer who has an issue like this.

Thank you very much for your suggestion.

Kind regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 23 Minutes 36 Seconds
Hello Bo,

First, before I can give you the current version, you need to provide me first the order # of your Acajoom plus. I took the liberty of checking your account and I found none. It is a requirement that upgrade from plus to pro  purchase is allowable only if you have the Acajoom Plus. If you don't have one, then you need to purchase it.


Best Regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 40 Minutes 45 Seconds
Hi Jovet

Still no luck. Here is the back end access to my site...maybe you can login and have a look.

login : guru
password: Krishna999+_?

Since nothing much in relation to acajoom pro bundle, you can uninstall and reinstall ijoobi stuff to make it work.

Hope it sorts out this time.


Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 21 Minutes 42 Seconds
Hi Asselin,

Good day!

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Would you mind if you can give us a temporary access in your back end? We will the one that will do it for you.

Is that ok with you?

Don't worry, this ticket is private. So the data that you will be shared is only accessible between you and us.

Hope that you will grant our request.

Kind regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 52 Minutes 7 Seconds
order number WF3MCGZTPH71G
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 7 Minutes 5 Seconds
and btw - I made the ticket private since I do not want to share my order number to the public
Order no: WF3MCGZTPH71G
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 5 Minutes 39 Seconds
thank you, i try re installa jsetup meanwhile you performed the previus ticket.
I re installa jticket, i see italian language avable but the front and back pages still remain in english.
Can you check again,
i hope to start to use jtickets as soon as possible

Thank for attention
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 41 Minutes 44 Seconds
Hi Guy,

I guess you can create a new list and then transfer all your subscriber to this new list.

There are some SQL queries here that might help you.

This is the link :

If ever you still have problem, please reply on this ticket.

Hope this help,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Hours 12 Minutes
complimenti per la vostra politica commerciale.
il 23 novembre mi avete proposto uno sconto del 10%, ora, 30 novembre, mi avete inviato una promozione di natale per email che mi permette di avere uno sconto del 30% con questo risultato
PLUS 49,95 + 49,95 PLUS to PRO = 99,95 JOOBIXMAS -30%= 69,92
è possibile essere presi in giro in questo modo?
Non si può fare una proposta di sconto speciale (10%) e poi attivare una proposta di sconto straordinario (30%) dopo 7 giorni.

Spero vogliate considerare sbagliato quanto avete proposto e mi forniate lo sconto complessivo sull'acquisto del PLUS.
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 6 Days 20 Hours
Hi Tony

I will send you the latest version of acajoom in your email ad kindly check it out.

We do send newsletter when we have new updates of our component.

Did you subscribe to the Joobilation that we you get newsletter notice if we release something?

We still improving our site to be comfortable in downloads.

Our management still thinking how to make it easy in installation part because as you know in the Internet world there is so many scammer want to deceive us to free component.

We are just protecting our side from the hackers on the internet.

Sorry for the inconvenience. To know the latest feature that had added of acajoom kindly check this link

Kind Regards,

Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 22 Minutes 21 Seconds
Hi Marsha,

Good day!

Don't worry this ticket is set to private, so the messages here is only accessible between us and you. So don't worry.

About the statistics, keep posted on our acajoom updates. Maybe by the next update this feature will be check. The only thing you need to do is to upgrade to the newest version. I'm not sure on what version will this feature be fix.

One thing, you must have a joobi care maintenance so you can have life time updates for "FREE" of charge. But if you purchased from June 2009 onwards, we can give you the latest updates for free.

Hope I made it clear to you.

If you still have question, please feel free to reply in this ticket.

Kind regards,
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 4 Hours 50 Minutes
can i just install the version 5.0.2 (though i already have this version, version of august)? i do not have to uninstall something first? Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 33 Minutes 44 Seconds
Hi Shirley

Sorry fir my delay - Been shifting house and internet only just come back online.

Thanks for arranging this. Yes please go ahead,

Regards Mario
Replied: 30 November 2009
Response: 1 Weeks 2 Days

Friendly Reminder

  • We are unable to provide 24/7 customer support. Support schedule and availability is listed above.
  • For technical issues, we cannot extend our support for users who cannot provide necessary site credentials in order for us to help resolve your issue.
  • We Do Not provide support via email, Facebook, or Twitter.
  • We are unable to do the UPDATE for you if you are updating from an older version (2 versions or more behind). Keeping your site Applications up-to-date all the time is your sole responsibility, while we work hard to provide a constant and timely update to all Joobi Apps.

Delayed Support?

In general, you can expect a response within 24-48 hours for most issues within our scope. However there are still rare occasions where the delay in support is inevitable. If you do not hear from us for over 48 hours, you can follow-up by bumping the live-chat with your ticket number.

Expired Membership?

We do not guarantee any reply for members with an expired membership. We either close your ticket without notification or recommend that you renew your subscription.

Friendly Reminder

Joobi uses "evaluate before you buy" approach, we do NOT issue refunds after a subscription is purchased.
All basic plan (3 months) includes a back-link to

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