Subscription via URL

To subscribe a user to one or more lists, you can redirect the user to a special URL :

If you have the 'Joomla user id' of your user, you can redirect him to :

Or, if you have the name and the e-mail of your user, you can redirect him to :

You have to replace the values JOOMLAUSERID by the id of the user in the Joomla tables.

Or you have to replace the values NAME and EMAIL by the name and the e-mail of your user. The variable for the name is optional.

You have to replace the value LISTID by the id of the lists you want the user to be subscribed. If you have more than one list, you can specify several list if you separate them by a comma ( , ).
Examples :

index.php?option=com_jnews&act=urlsubscribe&name=Student&email= This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.&;listid=2&passwordA=lnOkgyNV26gm6ux

You can also specify the option to receive html or not with the variable receive_html ('1' for HTML, '0' for TEXT) : &act=urlsubscribe
You can even specify the redirect url with the variable redirect redirectlink : &act=urlsubscribe&name=NAME
Examples :

index.php?option=com_jnews&act=urlsubscribe&name=Student&email= This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.&;listid=2&receive_html=0&passwordA=lnOkgyNV26gm6ux

You can use this method of subscription if you want to integrate jNews with a third party form component.

  • Saturday, 18 May 2013