Vendor Configuration Setup

This article explains how to setup your Vendors.

There are two ways to achieve your Vendor work flow.

1. Users can automatically become a Vendor right after Joomla, JomSocial or jMarket Vendor registration.

This means the user can start to sell after registration using Joomla, Jomsocial or use jMarket Vendor Registration. You will have only 1 type of user role which is Vendor, this is common if you want to build a store like eBay.

2. Require registration before Vendor registration

This means you have two type of users, standard registered user/customer and Vendors. This means a user needs to register in your site using Joomla or JomSocial registration process. The user then can decide if he wants to apply as a Vendor or not.

Note: You cannot have separate registration to obtain user role then vendor registration for vendor access role. If you want to have users and vendors together then use option 2.

In the admin panel, go to jMarket >> Vendors >> Vendor Preferences

You can find all the settings here regarding your vendor setup.

General Tab

In the General Tab, you can setup general setup for vendors, Vendor registration requirements and Vendor image dimensions.


In the Item & Category Tab

In the Item & Category Tab, you can configure the vendors area edition, functionalities for vendors and layout edition, items approval and vendor categories.


  • Wednesday, 13 February 2013