This article gives you step-by-step instructions on how to import and update products in your store. jMarket uses CSV files to import and export product data.
A CSV (comma separated value) file is a formatted text file that organizes data. The data is separated by commas, hence its name.
Step 1 — Export Your Products
If this is the first time you are importing products in to jMarket, it is strongly recommended that you export a sample set of data that can be used as a template in your spreadsheet. You will need to export the sample products after completing the install.
1. In the Admin panel, select Components >> jMarket >> Catalog
2. Click the Export button in the product listing and a pop-up window will appear that let you select what Type you are going to export.
3. Select CSV File and click Export.
4. You will be asked to select a Language and the Columns that you would like to be exported.
5. When you are done, click Export and the file will be automatically downloaded on your local computer.
Step 2 — Edit CSV File
1. In your exported CSV file, edit the product columns as needed. After you add or update the records in the spreadsheet, you re-import the data back to your store.
You can easily open the CSV file in NeoOffice or OpenOffice.
2. Open Excel first /NeoOffice and click Import option in Excel it is located next to Print.
3. Then locate the CSV file in your local folder.
Excel will detect that your data is Delimited and the Text Import Wizard will appear.
4. Select Delimited in the Step 1 and click Next.
5. In the Delimiters Options, unselect Tab, Semicolon, Comma, Space.
Select Other and enter a Pipe or field Delimiter as shown in the image below;
6. In the last step do not change the default setting. Your CSV should show a correct format.
Step 3 — Import Product
1. After you edit the file in your favorite spreadsheet, save the file in CSV format
2. In the Admin panel, select Component >> jMarket >> Catalog
3. Click the Import button in the product listing and a pop-up window will appear.
4. Fill in all the required fields, which are indicated by a red asterisk (*). Most of the options obtain a tooltip that will help you explain its usage.
5. When you are done, click Import to import the CSV file and it will be automatically be Saved.