How to resize product, category and vendor images?

This article explains how to resize images in your product, category and vendor.

In the admin panel, select jMarket >> Catalog >> Preferences >> Item Tab

You need to enter the final and correct size value of your images. You can always change the value of the sizes but you will need to re-upload all your images to apply the new sizes. This is painful if you have thousands of products uploaded already so the early you can finalize the setup the better.


You can change the dimension of your images below;

Hint: Each product, category or vendor is either handled by Individual layout, Type Preference or General Preference.


  • Product Edit Page

You can setup specific dimension for each product in the Layout tab of the product edit page.


Take note that if you change the dimension in each product the General or Type Preference value is ignored.

  • Product Type Preferences

If you have different product types you might want to use product type preference.
This means all products belongs to this type follow the same preferences.


  • General Preferences

This is the general product preferences and all product, category and vendor which is set to general preferences follow this layout. Depending on the product location e.g catalog, category page, item page each of this areas has there own preferences as well.

For instance you want to change the image of the items in the catalog. This means you need to edit the dimension of the image under the Home Layout in the Catalog Preferences.

For items under certain category e.g Automobiles Category >> Volkswagen >> Golf 2013, this means that you can edit the layout on the General Preferences under Category Layout in the section Items.

Category and Vendor

If you understand above product preferences setup then you will be able to easily navigate the Category and Vendor preferences.

Each category and vendor is either handled by individual layout, Type Preference or General preferences.


Why my product image size does not change to the new dimension I specified?

First, you need to verify that your image dimension is bigger than the value you specified in the configuration.
For instance, your image size is only 500X500 you but you entered a value of 650X550. This wont work otherwise you need use more bigger images or try to decrease your dimension otherwise your image will be pixelated.

Second, verify that you entered your new images values in a correct place. Did you use Individual Layouts, Type Preferences or General Preferences.
To verify you need to open the product you want to change the image size and then go to the Layout Tab. Check if you have entered any values.
Next go to Types under Catalog, open the Type where your product belongs and go to Layout Tab. Double check if the Type is using type preference or General Preference. If General Preferences then go to Catalog >> Preferences >> Item Layout

Lastly, try to re-upload all your product images. You might have uploaded the images first before you change the dimension. This means that the product images is using the default system value which is 50X50.

Why the image of my List of all categories are small or dimension does not change?

It is because you enter the dimension value in the wrong place. The List of all categories menu can be setup below.
In the admin panel, go to jMarket >> Catalog >> Preferences >> Click the button called " List of Categories".


If you are setting individual category or category base on type you should check below;

1. Catalog >> Catagories
Locate the categories you want to edit the image size, then edit the category and select Layout tab.

2. Type Preference
Check if the category is assigned to certain product types. If you Type is used go to Types under Catalog menu in jMarket.


  • Monday, 29 July 2013