Credit Limit Subscription for jMarket

Step 1 — Enable jSubscription integration in jMarket

1. From the admin panel, select Components >> jMarket >> Catalog >> Preferences >> Integrations
2. Select Subscription Integration >> Yes
3. Click [Save] to save the changes.

Step 2 — Create Subscriptions and Assign Restrictions

jSubscription is not part of jMarket Pro suite. You need to buy this application separately if you want to add this capability to your online store.

1. From the Admin panel, select Components >> jSubscription >> Subscriptions
2. From the Subscriptions page, click New to create a subscription
3. Fill in all necessary information about your subscription

Type of Subscription

1. Time Limit >> The subscription is valid for a certain period of time e.g (days, weeks, months, years)
2. Credit Limit >> The subscription is valid as long as there is enough credit.
3. Time and Credit Limit >> The subscription is valid for certaon period of time but with a certain credit limit.

If you choose Time limit, you need to supply information for Time value and Time period.
If you choose Credit value, you will only supply Credit value.

Role >> one or several roles can be automatically assigned to the subscriber upon subscription.

No need to assign roles if you are only restricting vendor registration (product upload, number of product images) or the vendor area.

4. Click [Save] to save the changes.


Credit Limit Subscription

In this example we will create 2 subscription plans:

1. Silver Plan

  • 500 Credits
  • 2 credit deduction for image upload
  • 4 credit deduction for product upload

2. Gold Plan

  • 3000 Credits
  • 1 credit deduction for image upload
  • 1 credit deduction for product upload

Step 1 - Silver plan creation

  • Follow above steps to create a Subscription.
  • In the subscription edit page, fill in all necessary information about your subscription under General and Subscription Tab.


Note: You only assign a Vendor role if you want your every users who will subscribes to your plan will be given a vendor access after a subscription is purchased. If you are only restricting certain areas to your Vendors no need to assign a Role.

  • Click [Save] to save your changes.
  • In the subscription listing, click View Restrictions] to add restrictions.


  • Create a restriction for image


  • Click [Save] to save your changes.


Create a restriction for products


  • Click [Save] to save your changes.

Step 2- Gold plan creation

  • Follow above steps to create a Subscription.
  • In the subscription edit page, fill in all necessary information about your subscription under General and Subscription Tab.


  • Click [Save] to save your changes.
  • In the subscription listing, click [View Restrictions] to add restrictions. Skip this stage if you don't have any restrictions.



Create a restriction for image


  • Click [Save] to save your changes.

Create a restriction for products


Click [Save] to save your changes.

  • Thursday, 15 August 2013