Question about acajoom
Status: Solved

I am thinking of purchasing Acajoom for a client but I need a questionanswered first. They currently have a filemaker database that they keeptheir contacts in. They use e-campaign to send out their newslettersand mailings. They have categories in their filemaker database and do adump to an excel file of whatever category they want to send a mailingto and then import that excel file into e-campaign to send theirmailing. Would we be able to set up catgegories into the contact listthat your product would create and then dump our filemaker databaseinto the acajoom database so that they can have their contacts in 1place - just in the acajoom database?

Thanks for your help.

Kimberly Koserowski

Author: kschane
Created: 6 January 2009
Elapsed: 15 Years 4 Months