Smart newsletter not picking up all articles
Status: Solved

I've got Acajoom running on my website to send all articles added to a number of sections out to a subscribers list.  This works most of the time but occasionally doesn't send the newsletter.  I can't see any difference between the articles that are sent out and those that aren't.
The process when an article is submitted is:
1) Author submits an article.
2) Article is e-mailed to Administrators for approval.  The e-mail contains a link that runs a small script that sets the item to published status.
3) Article should then be sent out in the next Acajoom run (this is once an hour).

Any ideas on what could be causing this?  Sorry I can't give any more info.

Thanks for the advice

Author: mike00010
Created: 5 April 2010
Elapsed: 14 Years 3 Weeks