Images not embedded in mail
Status: Solved
ID: 1A14TP-11PP
If the extension of the image filename is not found correctly, the images are not embedded.

In ./administrator/components/com_jnews/classes/class.jmail.php, line ~452, the command: $fileParts = preg_split("/./", $filename);$ext       = $fileParts[1];  searches for the extension of $filename. The command "preg_split" used to be "split", but "split" is depreciated. I think therefore it is change to "preg_split". The pattern is "/./", which is not correct for searching a dot. Please use: "/\./".

If $filename has more than one dot, $ext will be wrong. This can be solved to take the last one with:
$fileParts = preg_split("/\./", $filename);
$ext       = $fileParts[count($fileParts) - 1];

Author: zilvermeeuw
Created: 4 June 2011
Elapsed: 12 Years 11 Months