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We have created extraordinary tools for WordPress and Joomla that other people just like us would love to use.

You have the ability to define different access for different vendor types. For instance you can define certain vendor type to only create classifieds while the others can create auction or product type.

Create Roles

  • Create a role that is nested to the vendor role.
  • You can create as many vendor role as you want.
  • You need to understand structure of Parallel and Nested to avoid mistakes.
    Please refer to this article.

Assign a Role to Types

  • Navigate to Catalog > Types
  • Edit the types that you want to change the access level
  • Assign the role that you want to access
  • Click [Save]

types edit acl

Create Vendor Types

  • Vendors > Types
  • Click "New" to create a new vendor type
  • Assign the proper "role"
  • Click [Save]

new vendor types be

Create a Subscription

  • Subscriptions > Click "New"
  • Define the correct subscription setup base on your requirements
  • Under Susbcription tab, assign the role that you have created above.
  • Click [Save]

vtypes subscription be

Create Programs

  • Vendors > Programs
  • Click "New" to create a program
  • Select Type: Vendor
  • Assign a Paid Program that let's your user pay for the vendor types
  • Click [Save]
  • Define a rate that you want the vendor to be charge for commission.
    If you are charging 10% commission, you will have to define 90% -the rate vendor's receives every time they sold an item.
    If you do not want to charge any commission, you do not have to define a rate.

program vtypes be

Connect Vendor Types and Program

  • Navigate to Vendors > Types
  • Edit the types and assign the "Program" that you just created that corresponds to the vendor types
  • Click [Save]

vtypes edit program be


You have two options to display the vendor types in the storefront.

  • Select vendor type first: You have to select the type of vendors first before you are redirected to the vendor registration

vtypes list fe

  • Type pick-list on Registration: Display a pick-list in the vendor registration

If you have a paid vendor types, you will be redirected to the basket to pay after submitting vendor forms.

vtypes picklist