Simple, smart and Secure.

We have created extraordinary tools for WordPress and Joomla that other people just like us would love to use.

Instead of using Joomla or WordPress user registration, you can also use Joobi ser registration. All registrations are automatically synchronized with Joomla or WordPress user data.


You need to install jContacts to handle the user management and registration.

  • From the admin panel, navigate to jApps >> Applications >> Install jContacts
  • After install, navigate to jApps >> Preferences >> Users Tab


General Tab

  • User Management Back-End: Select which application should be use to manage users in the back-end ( registration, login, etc... )
  • User Management Front-End: Select which application should be use to manage users in the front-end ( registration, login, etc... )
  • Allow User Registration: If set to No, no user will be able to register or create an account. Important: some application might not work properly if user cannot register or subscribe.
  • Allow User Login: If set to No, no user will be able to login to the site.


  • Use Language: Set to Yes to let the users choose their language.
  • Use Timezone: Set to Yes to let the users choose their timezone.
  • Use Currency: Set to Yes to ask the preferred currency to the user.
  • Use Avatar: Set to Yes to let user upload an avatar.
  • Use Mobile: Set to Yes to ask the mobile phone of the user.
  • Ask for HTML email: Set to Yes to ask the user if their want HTML or text only emails.

Login & Registration

  • Account Activation: Define the method the account should be activated.
  • Registration Role: Define what should be the default registration role.
  • Allow Login with Email: Yes to allow user to login using their email or username. No, only login with username allowed.
  • Use Captcha: Set to Yes to use Captcha at registration.
  • Framework Role: Define the minimum role to update the framework user database. Recommended: “Register"
  • Login Page Style: Define if the login page should include a registration form or simply a login page.
  • Registration Page: Define a URL for the registration page. Leave empty for default registration page. Warning: for this preference to be active user management needs to be “Users” or "Contacts"
  • Registration Landing Page: Define a URL for the landing page after registration. Leave empty for default landing page.
  • Login Page: Define a URL for the login page. Leave empty for default login page. Warning: for this preference to be active user management needs to be “Users” or "Contacts"
  • My Account Page: Define the URL to redirect to when the users click on My Account button.
    Leave empty for default Users dashboard.
  • Logout Landing Page: Define a URL for the landing page after logout. Leave empty for Home page.


  • Email Password: Email the password to the user at registration.
  • Notify Admin: Notify administrators on new registration.
  • Admin Email: Specify an email address where the notification of new subscribers should be sent to. If not specified the notification will go to all Super administrators. Hint: separate multiple emails with a comma.
  • Maximum Fails: Define the maximum number of time a user can enter a wrong password before their account get blocked.
  • Fail Intervals: Define the period ( in minutes ) after which a user can try to login again if their failed too many times.
  • Register User Strength: Define the required strength of standard users’ password.
  • Admin User Strength: Define the required strength of administrator users’ password.
  • Allow Username Change: Set to Yes to let the users change their username.
  • Default Username: If no username is provided, use the email or a random string.


Please setup user registration menu and understand how user management works using jContacts. Follow this article about User Management.

Customize User Registration

You can also customize by disable some fields, re-order or even change the display through the design view. To learn how to customize the user registration view, please refer to article "Customize User Registration".