Simple, smart and Secure.

We have created extraordinary tools for WordPress and Joomla that other people just like us would love to use.

There are two ways to uninstall Joobi applications from your Jooma website.

Option 1 Uninstall through Joomla extension manager

  • From the Joomla extension manager, navigate to manage side menu
  • Search for the term "Joobi" and it will show you all Joobi components, modules and plugins installed in your site Click "Uninstall" button from the top navigation

Option 2 Uninstall through Joobi

  • From the admin panel, navigate to jApps >> Applications page or [any Joobi applications] >> Tools >> Apps
  • Select the App that you want to uninstall and click "Unistall" button from the top navigation
There are 3 ways to uninstall the Apps base on your needs:
  1. Uninstall only one App
  2. Uninstall All Apps (All Joobi installed Apps)
  3. Remove All Apps and all Data in Database (This option will remove the entire Joobi files and tables in your database. You cannot restore unless you have a working backup.)