Simple, smart and Secure.

We have created extraordinary tools for WordPress and Joomla that other people just like us would love to use.

You can void and refund payments, restock your inventory, and customer will receive a refund email notification.

  • From the admin panel, navigate to [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Orders page
  • From the orders page, select the order that you wish to issue a refund
  • Click the order to view the details
  • Locate Payment Method tab and find out the payment gateway the customer was using and payment email
  • Copy the customer payment email or order number


  • Login to your Payment Merchant account (Paypal, Skrill, Dwolla, etc..)
  • Go to your Transaction history and search the order number or payment email the customer was using
  • You should be able to issue a refund
  • Once refund is completed, the Order status in your store will be automatically change to Refunded.

Note: Some payment gateway doesn't allow a refund after certain period, however you can perform a Transfer to the customer payment email but transfer fees will be charge from you account.
