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As store manager you can assign different commission rate for any product types. For instance, you may want to charge 20% commission for all products that belongs to a "Clothing" type of products and 10% commission for digital goods like music, ebooks and services.

To better understand, let's take an example;

Amaza Marketplace offer different subscription level for everyone and every budget to become a vendor.

Clothing Items

Commission: 20% on every sale

Alcoholic Items

Commission: 35% on every sale

Baby Items

Commission: 10% on every sale

Step 1 - Create Types

  • From the admin panel, Catalog > Types
  • Click New to create a new type of product
  • Click [Save] to save your changes


Step 2 - Create a Commission

  • From the admin panel, go to jMarket > Vendors > Programs
  • Click New to create a new commission program
  • Assign a Commission Type > Vendor under Specific section


  • Add a Rate that corresponds to the Type that you created
  • Set 'Apply to All" to No
  • Click [Save] to save your changes


  • Click Types button under types column
  • Add the Types that correspond to the rate you have added
  • Add more rates and assign the types that you want
  • Click [Save] to save your changes



Every time a vendor sold an item that belongs to the Type you created, you will get certain percentage of commission.

Take note that in order for you to get a commission, your Vendors must be subscribed to your created Commission Program. You can let them subscribe to the commission via frontend during registration or through a membership. Please refer to Commission base Subscription article.