Simple, smart and Secure.

We have created extraordinary tools for WordPress and Joomla that other people just like us would love to use.

Create Vendor Types

  • Vendors > Types
  • Click "New" to create a new vendor type
  • Assign the proper "role"
  • Click [Save]

new vendor types be

Create a Subscription

  • Subscriptions > Click "New"
  • Define the correct subscription setup base on your requirements
  • Click [Save]

vtypes subscription be

Create Programs

  • Vendors > Programs
  • Click "New" to create a program
  • Select Type: Vendor
  • Assign a Paid Program that let's your user pay for the vendor types
  • Click [Save]
  • Define a rate that you want the vendor to be charge for commission.
    If you are charging 10% commission, you will have to define 90% -the rate vendor's receives every time they sold an item.
    If you do not want to charge any commission, you do not have to define a rate.

program vtypes be

Connect Vendor Types and Program

  • Navigate to Vendors > Types
  • Edit the types and assign the "Program" that you just created that corresponds to the vendor types
  • Click [Save]

vtypes edit program be


You have two options to display the vendor types in the storefront.

  • Select vendor type first: You have to select the type of vendors first before you are redirected to the vendor registration

vtypes list fe

  • Type pick-list on Registration: Display a pick-list in the vendor registration

If you have a paid vendor types, you will be redirected to the basket to pay after submitting vendor forms.

vtypes picklist