Simple, smart and Secure.

We have created extraordinary tools for WordPress and Joomla that other people just like us would love to use.


When a customer place an order through your store, store admin are automatically notified via email about the purchase and the customer will receive the invoice of the order via email. Store admin can see the number of pending orders in the shop's Orders menu.

Before fulfilling an order for the first time, make sure you've setup your Payment settings. Refer to the "Payments" section in this documentation.

From the Orders page you can:

  • Filter orders by fulfillment statu, payment gateway, order type (purchase, recurring, invoice)
  • Create Invoice
  • View Order History
  • Fulfill orders (complete, cancel, processed, refunded, fraud, etc...)
  • Delete orders by archiving it
  • Click on an individual order to capture payment details, coupons, commissions, shipping address, etc...
  • Review abandoned orders