Simple, smart and Secure.

We have created extraordinary tools for WordPress and Joomla that other people just like us would love to use.

Facebook and Twitter autopost allows you to add your products directly to your Facebook fan page and twitter feed when the following actions is triggered in your store.

Post Items

  • Post Item Views
  • Post Item Comments
  • Post Item Favorite
  • Post Item Watch
  • Post Item Wish
  • Post Item Like / Dislike
  • Post Item Share Wall
  • Post New Item
  • Post Item Edit

Post Categories

  • Post Category Share Wall
  • Post Category Like / Dislike
  • Post Category Watch
  • Post Category Favorite
  • Post New Category
  • Post Category Edit

Post Vendors

  • Post Vendor Views
  • Post Vendor Comments
  • Post Vendor Favorite
  • Post Vendor Watch
  • Post Vendor Like / Dislike
  • Post Vendor Share Wall
  • Post New Vendor
  • Post Vendor Update

All store update is forwarded to the admin facebook and twitter page. If you want that each vendor can autopost products directly to there own social page, please contact Joobi support.

Setup Guide

Step 1 - Secure your Facebook and Twitter credentials

Step 2 - Configure your Joobi autopost

  • From the admin panel, navigate to Catalog >> Preferences > Integration > Social eCommerce
  • Enable the options that fits your brand
  • Click [Save] once you are done
