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This article explains how to easily edit any Joobi software views without PHP knowledge

Direct Edit feature allows any website owner/user with a correct access level to edit ANY views from the Joobi software administration and frontend area in few simple clicks! This means you can personalize the software by changing the form elements without being overwritten during update.

You can perform the following with Direct Edit;

  1. Edit any form elements within the Joobi software
  2. Add/Edit software built-in tooltips
  3. Re-order the form elements
  4. Change form element parents to organize the fields
  5. Make an element required or not
  6. Define if the field should be read only
  7. Define access level of the form element
  8. Enable/Disable an element

For advance view edition, please check the article "Advance View Edition" under Design Customization section in this tutorial.

Enable direct edit

  • From the admin panel, jApps >> Preferences >> Views Tab
  • From the direct editing section, enable Direct Edit and select Who can Edit

Avoid assigning "registered user" role for user who can edit, otherwise any logged in users from your website frontend can edit your Joobi product views.


This feature is so powerful that you can edit the core views which is a good thing but the drawback, is you can destroy the software!
In the case of software malfunction, we will reset the software to default settings.

Do not disable form elements which are important for the proper functioning of the application such us Name, Price, SKU, etc.. If you are unsure, please contact our support so we can better guide you.


After enabling Direct Edit, you should see a small edit icon that shows up just next to any text. Just click the "edit icon" to edit the option.



This is the Product Edit View, and you can basically change all the form elements under it.
