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Discounts is a vital marketing strategy for your online store. Discount codes can be generated in numeric value ($20), or for a percentage discount (20%). You can also specify the dates for which the code is valid, the number of times a code can be used, to which customer, categories and products the discount can be applied.

Create coupons

  • From the admin panel, navigate to [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Orders >> Coupons
  • Click New to create a new coupon

Name: Enter the name of your coupon
Code: Enter here a code for your coupon. This one have to be unique. It's the one which the customer will enter in the coupon box at the checkout process. If you leave this field empty a unique coupon code will be automatically generated.
Type: The type of coupon you want to create
Discount Coupon: Standard discount coupon that can be in percentage or fixed amount.
Gift Card: This type of coupon can be used in purchasing several times. The order value is deducted from the gift card among until nothing is left.
Rebate Offer: This type of coupon is a fixed amount which will be deducted from the order. A rebate offer can be reused several times if allowed, in that case the full rebate will be again available on each separate order.
Voucher: A voucher does not provide discount or rebate. It is used to exchange against a product or service. To use the voucher type, you need jVouchers for more advance features.

Template: Should this coupon be a coupon template only or standard "a real coupon".
If template only it can only be used to automatically generate new coupon but will not be valid for customer to use.

Description: Write a short description about your coupon. The information will be displayed to your customer during checkout.

Admin Perspective

Alias: Identifier for this coupon. This will be usefull when you have several coupons and want to figure or search this out in a faster way.
Comment: Enter here comments for this coupon. This will be usefull when you have several coupons and want to figure out quickly what is it for.

Depending on what TYPE you've selected, different options will display which are required to create the coupon.


  1. Discount Coupon: The percentage value e.g 25 = 25%
  2. Gift Card: Numeric value e.g 25 = $25
  3. Rebate Offer: Fixed number value e.g 25 = $25

Available: Starting date for the coupon availability. If not specified this will be automatically start/available today.
Expire: Date the coupon will expire. If not specified this coupon will not expire
Total Number of Usage: Enter here the number of coupons available. Enter -1 for unlimited usage.
Publish: Select Yes to activate the coupon.

All categories and items:

  1. Yes: the coupon is valid for ALL categories and items.
  2. No: manually apply the coupon to the chosen categories or items.

All customers:

  1. Yes: the coupon is applicable to ALL customers.
  2. No: manually apply the coupon to selected customers

Number of usage per user: Specify how many times the coupon can be used per user. -1 means unlimited.
Customers' Access level: If the coupon is applied to All Customers, only customers whose level is greater or equal to this level can use the coupon.
Cumulative: Click Yes to allow a "Discount Coupon" to be used on discounted products. By default a coupon cannot be used on a discounted product. This option on is only used for "Discount Coupon" not for Rebate Offer or Gift Card.

Theme: Choose a theme to display the coupon "voucher" type.

To access the Theme, please refer to article "Voucher theme" under Vouchers


Discount coupon looks like this in the storefront checkout process:
