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Every support moderators knows that even the most extensive documentation doesn't stop some common questions from popping up again and again.

Customer questions that force support moderators to keep continuously writing them again and again, resulting in wasted queries and time. With Canned Replies, support moderators can reused pre-defined email templates again and again, with just a single click.

  • From the admin panel, jTickets >> Tickets >> Canned Replies
  • Click "New" to create a new pre-define replies
  • Click save when you are done

Title: Define the name of your canned reply
Category: Select the category to which the canned reply will be assigned
Type: Select the Type to which the canned reply will be assigned
Private: Define if the Canned Reply will be visible to public user or not
Content: Enter the content of your reply
Publish: Define if you want to enable the reply or not
