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We have created extraordinary tools for WordPress and Joomla that other people just like us would love to use.

You can create an unlimited number of categories in jTickets. Once you have decided how you want to organize your help desk, you can start creating new categories.

  • From the admin panel, navigate to Tickets >> Category
  • Click "New" to create a new category
  • Click save once you are done

Title: The title of the category that is shown to the user upon submission of ticket
Identifier: This is used to identify the ticket category and it needs to be unique. If you leave the field empty, the system automatically generate the values.
Description: Write the description of the category which will be visible to the user.
Public: Define if the category can be seen by everyone in the front-end
Publish: Define to enable the category or not
Parent: Define the Parent of the category
Order: Define the ordering of the category
Access: Define who can access the category
