Support is currently Open

Joobi support hours are from 7:00 - 21:00 from monday to friday (GMT +1)

WePay is an online payment service provider in the United States that allows merchant to Accept credit cards and bank accounts in their online store.


  • WePay account required (only available for US merchants & citizens)
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Access Token
  • Account ID
  • USD currency only

Step 1 Obtain your Wepay API keys

  • Login to your Wepay account
  • Create an application and enter the application name, store url and description


  • Once you have an account setup with an application, click Next if you are creating a new account or click "API Application".
  • Copy the API credentials



Step 2 Setup your Payment gateway

  • From the admin panel, navigate to [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Payments
  • Create a new payment gateway and select Wepay as type
  • Under Merchant, paste all the credentials that you copied from step 1.


  • From the admin panel, navigate to [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Payments >> Preferences
  • Enable sandbox >> yes