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You can use Vendor badges designation to recognize certain vendors of your store.

What you need to know

There is no automation right now to assign a badge base on vendor subscription. If you want more automation and integration, please contact the support with your requirements.

Enable Vendor Badge

  • From the admin panel, navigate to jMarket >> Vendors >> Preferences
  • From the preferences page, go to Miscellaneous Tab
  • Select 'Use Badge' under Badge section

Create a Badge using custom Pick-list

  • From jApps >> Design >> Pick-lists
  • Locate "vendors_badge" identifier
  • Click "Add/Edit" to add a badge
  • Add a "badge color" for each badge you create
  • Note that we already created a pre-define badges "Bronze, Silver and Gold"


Manually assign the badge to your Vendors

  • From the admin panel, navigate to jMarket >> Vendors
  • Edit the Vendor you want to assign the Badge
  • Click [Save] once you are done


Advance Search

You can filter the search base on vendor badge.

  • From the admin panel, navigate to Joomla module manager
  • Locate "Catalog Advance Search Module" and click "Click here to edit the Preferences"
  • Activate vendor fields and badges you want to display to your customers
  • Click [Save] once you are done


Vendor badges filtering looks like this in the Advance Search:


Vendor badge looks like this in the Vendor profile page:


Vendor badge looks like this in the Vendor listing page:
