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Before you can open your stores to your sellers and begin adding their own items. You need to setup the Vendor Area Menu so they can access the dashboard.

Create a menu in Joomla

  • Go to Joomla menu manager >> Select the menu where you want the vendor area to appear
  • Click New, assign Menu Item Type >> vendor area / vendors area in site


There are two vendor area style:

  1. Vendor area: use Joobi vendor theme where your website template and menus will not display.
  2. Vendors area in site: vendor area will appear within your website template (We recommend this). To properly use this, you need to go to jMarket >> vendor >> vendor preferences. Make sure that the "Edit item" option is set to "Site and Vendors area"

Access level: You can define the access level for the menu so it can be accessible only to Vendors. Please refer to ROLE and Joomla ACL article in this documentation for detailed information.


Optional: Remove menus and sub-menus in the vendor area

Some of you might want to remove some menus in the vendor area that you dont' want your vendors to use.

Home: This is where you can find the vendor dashboard
Edit Profile: This is where vendor's can edit their information e.g vendor tax, payment email, store currency, etc..
Profile: This is where vendor can view their profile like public users can see.
Inbox: This is where you receive emails from your customers
Theme: This is where you manage the vendor theme. This option will only display if store admin enable the vendor themes via vendor preferences.
Customers: This is the area where you can see the users who bought your products.
Catalog: List of all items in your store
Categories: View, add and edit product categories which are used to group products. This option will only display if store admin enable the vendor categories via vendor preferences.
Files: This is where vendor's manage the files in their stores. This option will only display if store admin enable the vendor files via vendor preferences.
Attributes: Manage product attributes and option variants in your store.
Terms: Manage the terms and conditions for your items. This option will only display if store admin enable the vendor terms via vendor preferences.
Sales: The list of orders in the vendor store. (vendors can only see his own orders)
Coupons: Manage discount coupon, rebate offer, gift card in your store.
Sales Report: View detailed statistics of the sales.
Commission: View sales commission created from the orders.

To get started:

  • jApps >> Design >> Views


  • Search for Vendors Horizontal Menu FE
  • From the views listing, click "Menu" under Menus column just next to Vendors Horizontal Menu FE
  • From the vendor menu elements listing, you can edit any views.

Important to note

  1. Any view that you will customize will not be overwritten during upgrade
  2. If you will change the parent of the element or create new Menu, make sure there is no stray elements. it can result to menu being hidden from the website frontend.
  3. In the Core column, only "Core" elements are updated during upgrade not the uncore ones.
  4. If an element/view is broken, our technical support will not debug on broken views. We will reset the view to "Core" automatically to fix the problem.
  5. After you modify, please verify that the vendor menu is still working properly, some of these menu elements are important in the proper functioning of the application.
